Places an arbitrary grob somewhere onto the drawing canvas. By default, coordinates run from
0 to 1, and the point (0, 0) is in the lower left corner of the canvas.
The x location of the grob. (Left side if hjust = 0.)
The y location of the grob. (Bottom side if vjust = 0.)
Width of the grob.
Height of the grob.
Scales the grob relative to the rectangle defined by x, y, width, height. A setting
of scale = 1 indicates no scaling.
Set to "on" to clip the grob or "inherit" to not clip. Note that clipping doesn't always work as
expected, due to limitations of the grid graphics system.
hjust, vjust
Horizontal and vertical justification relative to x.
halign, valign
Horizontal and vertical justification of the grob inside
the box.
# A grid grob (here a blue circle)g <- grid::circleGrob(gp = grid::gpar(fill = "blue"))
# place into the middle of the plotting area, at a scale of 50%ggdraw() + draw_grob(g, scale = 0.5)