Low level interface function to the IBM ILOG CPLEX function
. Consult the IBM ILOG CPLEX documentation for
more detailed information. This funtion has no functionality
for IBM ILOG CPLEX < 12.8.0, where CPXsetlogfilename
was not included.
setLogFileNameCPLEX(env, filename = "cpx.log", mode = "w")
An object of class "'>cplexPtr"
as returned by
. This is basically a pointer to an
IBM ILOG CPLEX environment.
The name of the log file to open.
The mode in which CPLEX should open the file. The specification is the same as that for the C library function fopen. For example, use a quoted character, such as "w" to write or "a" to append. Make sure you open the file for writing; otherwise, CPLEX writes nothing to the log file, and CPLEX can produce an error every time it attempts to write. If filename is NULL, then this argument is ignored and can be NULL, too.
Zero if successful, otherwise nonzero.
Interface to the C function setLogFileName
which calls the CPLEX
function CPXsetlogfilename
The IBM ILOG CPLEX home page at https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSSA5P.