# use Stock and Spacing as main effects and Plant as random effect
(f1 <- cpglmm(RLD ~ Stock + Spacing + (1|Plant), data = FineRoot))
coef(f1); fixef(f1); ranef(f1) #coefficients
VarCorr(f1) #variance components
# add another random effect
(f2 <- update(f1, . ~ . + (1|Zone)))
# test the additional random effect
# try a different optimizer
(f3 <- cpglmm(RLD ~ Stock + Spacing + (1|Plant),
data = FineRoot, optimizer = "bobyqa",
control = list(trace = 2)))
# adaptive G-H quadrature
(f4 <- cpglmm(RLD ~ Stock + Spacing + (1|Plant),
data = FineRoot, nAGQ = 3))
# a model with smoothing effects
(f5 <- cpglmm(increLoss ~ tp(lag, k = 4) + (1|year) ,
data = ClaimTriangle))
# }
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