# simulate data from the static logit model
n = 1000; TT = 5 # sample size, number of time occasions
id = (1:n)%x%rep(1,TT) # vector of indices
al = rnorm(n) # simulate alpha
X = matrix(rnorm(2*n*TT),n*TT,2) # simulate two covariates
eta1 = c(1,-1) # vector of parameters
out = sim_panel_logit(id,al,X,eta1)
y1 = out$yv
# simulate data from the dynamic logit model
eta2 = c(1,-1,2) # vector of parameters including state dependence
out = sim_panel_logit(id,al,X,eta2,dyn=TRUE)
y2 = out$yv
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