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criticalpath (version 0.2.1)

sch_activities: Activities


Return a tibble with all activities of a schedule in an insertion order. These are the main information calculated by CPM.





A schedule object.


A tibble with activities.


The tibble is formed by following structure:

  • id: Activity id.

  • name: The name of activity.

  • duration: A number that represents the activity's duration.

  • milestone: A milestone is an activity with zero duration. This property indicates if an activity is a milestone or not: TRUE indicates it is a milestone; FALSE indicates it is not.

  • critical: A critical activity is one with total float minor or equal to zero. This property indicates if an activity is critical: TRUE indicates it is critical; FALSE indicates it is not critical.

  • early_start: Is the earliest start period an activity can begin after its predecessors without violating precedence relation.

  • early_finish: Is the early start plus activity duration.

  • late_start: Is the late finish minus activity duration.

  • late_finish: Is the latest finish an activity can finish before their successors without violating precedence relation.

  • total_float: It is the amount of period an activity can be delayed without violating the project duration. Its formula is: late_start - early_start or late_finish - early_finish

  • free_float: It is the amount of period an activity can be delayed without violating the start time of the successors activities.

  • progr_level: It is the rank of activities counted from begin. The level of the activities that don't have predecessor is one; the level of the other activities, is one plus the maximal level of their predecessor.

  • regr_level: Regressive level is the rank of activities counted from the end. The level of the activities that don't have successor is the maximal progressive level; the level of the other activities, is one minus the minimal level of their successor.

  • topo_float: It is the difference between progressive level and regressive level.

See Also

sch_has_any_activity(), sch_change_activities_duration(), sch_add_activity(), sch_nr_activities(), sch_critical_activities(), sch_add_activities(), sch_get_activity(), sch_duration().


Run this code
sch <- sch_new() %>%
  sch_title("Fictitious Project Example") %>%
  sch_reference("VANHOUCKE, Mario. Measuring time:
  improving project performance using earned value management.
  Gent: Springer, 2009, p. 18") %>%
  sch_add_activity(  1L, "a1" , 0L, 2,3,4) %>%
  sch_add_activity(  2L, "a2" , 4L, 5) %>%
  sch_add_activity(  3L, "a3" , 9L, 10) %>%
  sch_add_activity(  4L, "a4" , 1L, 6) %>%
  sch_add_activity(  5L, "a5" , 4L, 9) %>%
  sch_add_activity(  6L, "a6" , 5L, 7) %>%
  sch_add_activity(  7L, "a7" , 1L, 8,11) %>%
  sch_add_activity(  8L, "a8" , 7L, 12) %>%
  sch_add_activity(  9L, "a9" , 8L, 12) %>%
  sch_add_activity( 10L, "a10", 3L, 12) %>%
  sch_add_activity( 11L, "a11", 3L, 12) %>%
  sch_add_activity( 12L, "a12", 0L) %>%

# }

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