lognodes <- log(nnodes)
Z1 <- cbind(lognodes, tsize/10, age, trt)
# trt = 0 if placebo, = 0 treatment
# testing for linear time varying effect of trt
psh.test(time=time, fstatus=type, z=Z1, D=c(0,0,0,1), tf=function(x) x)
# testing for quadratic time varying effect of trt
psh.test(time=time, fstatus=type, z=Z1, D=c(0,0,0,1), tf=function(x) x^2)
# testing for log time varying effect of trt
psh.test(time=time, fstatus=type, z=Z1, D=c(0,0,0,1),
tf=function(x) log(x))
# testing for both linear and quadratic time varying effect of trt
psh.test(time=time, fstatus=type, z=Z1,
D=matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1), 4,2), tf=function(x) cbind(x,x^2))
# }
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