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cuRe (version 1.1.1)

colonDC: Colon cancer data


A dataset containing the individual baseline and follow-up data on more than 15,000 colon cancer patient. The data is a cleaned version of the rstpm2::colon data set.





A data frame with 15564 rows and 11 variables


  • sex. Either female or male

  • age. Diagnostic age

  • stage. Clinical stage at diagnosis (either unknown, localised, regional, or distant)

  • statusDC. Alive indicator with cause of death

  • subsite. Anatomical subsite of tumour (either coecum and ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid, or other and NOS)

  • dx. Date of diagnosis

  • exit. Date of study exit

  • status. Alive indicator (0 = alive, 1 = dead)

  • FU. Follow-up time measured in days

  • FUyear. Follow-up time measured in years

  • agedays. Diagnostic age in days.