A dataset containing the individual baseline and follow-up data on more than 15,000
colon cancer patient. The data is a cleaned version of the rstpm2::colon
data set.
A data frame with 15564 rows and 11 variables
sex. Either female or male
age. Diagnostic age
stage. Clinical stage at diagnosis (either unknown, localised, regional, or distant)
statusDC. Alive indicator with cause of death
subsite. Anatomical subsite of tumour (either coecum and ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid, or other and NOS)
dx. Date of diagnosis
exit. Date of study exit
status. Alive indicator (0 = alive, 1 = dead)
FU. Follow-up time measured in days
FUyear. Follow-up time measured in years
agedays. Diagnostic age in days.