Plot function associated with the classes gfcm
and cm
# S3 method for cuRe
plot(x, newdata = NULL,
type = c("surv", "probcure", "survuncured", "hazarduncured", "cumhazuncured",
"densityuncured", "failuncured", "oddsuncured", "loghazarduncured", "hazard",
"density", "fail", "loghazard", "odds", "cumhaz"), time = NULL, xlim = NULL,
ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Time", ylab = NULL, col = 1, ci = T, add = F, ...)
A plot containing the predictions of each observation in newdata
Object of class cuRe
Data frame from which to compute predictions. If empty, predictions are made on the the data which the model was fitted on.
Character. Defines the desired scale to plot. See ?predict.gfcm for possible values.
Optional time points at which to compute predictions.
This argument is not used if type is curerate
Limits of the x-axis.
Limits of the y-axis.
Label of the x-axis. Default is "Time".
Label of the y-axis. If NULL
, the function uses its default y-labels
depending on object$type
and object$excess
Colour of each line.
Logical. If TRUE
(default), confidence intervals are added to the plot.
Loglca. If TRUE
the curve is added to the existing plot.
Further arguments passed to plot
and lines