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customizedTraining (version 1.3)

predict.customizedGlmnet: Make predictions from a customizedGlmnet object


Returns predictions for the test set provided at the time of fitting the customizedGlmnet object.


# S3 method for customizedGlmnet
predict(object, lambda, type = c("response", "class"), ...)


a vector of predictions corresponding to the test data input to the model at the time of fitting



a fitted customizedGlmnet object


regularization parameter


Type of prediction, currently only "response" and "class" are supported. Type "response" returns fitted values for "gaussian" family and fitted probabilities for "binomial" and "multinomial" families. Type "class" applies only to "binomial" and "multinomial" families and returns the class with the highest fitted probability.




Run this code

# Simulate synthetic data
n = m = 150
p = 50
q = 5
K = 3
sigmaC = 10
sigmaX = sigmaY = 1

beta = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = K)
for (k in 1:K) beta[sample(1:p, q), k] = 1
c = matrix(rnorm(K*p, 0, sigmaC), K, p)
eta = rnorm(K)
pi = (exp(eta)+1)/sum(exp(eta)+1)
z = t(rmultinom(m + n, 1, pi))
x = crossprod(t(z), c) + matrix(rnorm((m + n)*p, 0, sigmaX), m + n, p)
y = rowSums(z*(crossprod(t(x), beta))) + rnorm(m + n, 0, sigmaY)

x.train = x[1:n, ]
y.train = y[1:n]
x.test = x[n + 1:m, ]
y.test = y[n + 1:m]

# Example 1: Use clustering to fit the customized training model to training
# and test data with no predefined test-set blocks

fit1 = customizedGlmnet(x.train, y.train, x.test, G = 3,
    family = "gaussian")

# Compute test error using the predict function:
mean((y.test - predict(fit1, lambda = 10))^2)

# Example 2: If the test set has predefined blocks, use these blocks to define
# the customized training sets, instead of using clustering.
group.id = apply(z == 1, 1, which)[n + 1:m]

fit2 = customizedGlmnet(x.train, y.train, x.test, group.id)

# Compute test error using the predict function:
mean((y.test - predict(fit2, lambda = 10))^2)

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