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cvms (version 1.7.0)

compatible.formula.terms: Compatible formula terms


162,660 pairs of compatible terms for building model formulas with up to 15 fixed effects.



A data.frame with 162,660 rows and 5 variables:


term, fixed effect or interaction, with fixed effects separated by "*"


term, fixed effect or interaction, with fixed effects separated by "*"


maximum interaction size in the two terms, up to 3


number of unique fixed effects in the two terms, up to 5


minimum number of fixed effects required to use a formula with the two terms, i.e. the index in the alphabet of the last of the alphabetically ordered effects (letters) in the two terms, so 4 if left == "A" and right == "D"


Ludvig Renbo Olsen, r-pkgs@ludvigolsen.dk


A term is either a fixed effect or an interaction between fixed effects (up to three-way), where the effects are separated by the "*" operator.

Two terms are compatible if they are not redundant, meaning that both add a fixed effect to the formula. E.g. as the interaction "x1 * x2 * x3" expands to "x1 + x2 + x3 + x1 * x2 + x1 * x3 + x2 * x3 + x1 * x2 * x3", the higher order interaction makes these "sub terms" redundant. Note: All terms are compatible with NA.

Effects are represented by the first fifteen capital letters.

Used to generate the model formulas for combine_predictors.