toc_header_name = "Table of Contents",
base_level = NULL,
toc_depth = 3
Name of RMarkdown or Markdown document
The table of contents header name. If specified, any header with this format will not be included in the TOC. Set to `NULL` to include the TOC itself in the TOC (but why?).
Starting level of the lowest header level. Any headers prior to the first header at the base_level are dropped silently.
Maximum depth for TOC, relative to base_level. Default is `toc_depth = 3`, which results in a TOC of at most 3 levels.
Just drop in a chunk where you want the toc to appear (set `echo=FALSE`):
A simple function to extract headers from an RMarkdown or Markdown document and build a table of contents. Returns a markdown list with links to the headers using [pandoc header identifiers](
WARNING: This function only works with hash-tag headers.
Because this function returns only the markdown list, the header for the Table of Contents itself must be manually included in the text. Use `toc_header_name` to exclude the table of contents header from the TOC, or set to `NULL` for it to be included.