- x
the input graph, a DAG, MAG, PDAG, or PAG.
- exposure
name(s) of the exposure variable(s). If not given (default), then the
exposure variables are supposed to be defined in the graph itself.
- outcome
name(s) of the outcome variable(s), also taken from the graph if
not given.
- type
which type of adjustment set(s) to compute. If type="minimal"
then only minimal sufficient adjustment sets are returned (default). For
, all valid adjustment sets are returned. For type="canonical"
a single adjustment set is returned that consists of all (possible) ancestors
of exposures and outcomes, minus (possible) descendants of nodes on proper causal
paths. This canonical adjustment set is always valid if any valid set exists
at all.
- effect
which effect is to be identified. If effect="total"
, then the
total effect is to be identified, and the adjustment criterion by Perkovic et
al (2015; see also van der Zander et al., 2014),
an extension of Pearl's back-door criterion, is used. Otherwise, if
, then the average direct effect is to be identified, and Pearl's
single-door criterion is used (Pearl, 2009). In a structural equation model (Gaussian
graphical model), direct effects are simply the path coefficients.
- max.results
integer. The listing of adjustment set is stopped once
this many results have been found. Use Inf
to generate them all.
This only applys when type="minimal"