This function provides the backpropagation algorithm for deep architectures.
backpropagation(darch, trainData, targetData,
bp.learnRate = getParameter(".bp.learnRate", rep(1, times =
bp.learnRateScale = getParameter(".bp.learnRateScale"),
nesterovMomentum = getParameter(".darch.nesterovMomentum"),
dropout = getParameter(".darch.dropout", rep(0, times = length(darch@layers)
+ 1), darch), dropConnect = getParameter(".darch.dropout.dropConnect"),
matMult = getParameter(".matMult"), debugMode = getParameter(".debug", F),
The training data (inputs).
The target data (outputs).
Learning rates for backpropagation, length is either one or the same as the number of weight matrices when using different learning rates for each layer.
The learn rate is multiplied by this value after each epoch.
See darch.nesterovMomentum
parameter of
See darch.dropout
parameter of darch
See darch.dropout.dropConnect
parameter of
Matrix multiplication function, internal parameter.
Whether debug mode is enabled, internal parameter.
Further parameters.
The trained deep architecture
The only backpropagation-specific, user-relevant parameters are
and bp.learnRateScale
; they can be passed to the
function when enabling backpropagation
as the
fine-tuning function. bp.learnRate
defines the backpropagation
learning rate and can either be specified as a single scalar or as a vector
with one entry for each weight matrix, allowing for per-layer learning rates.
is a single scalar which contains a scaling factor
for the learning rate(s) which will be applied after each epoch.
Backpropagation supports dropout and uses the weight update function as
defined via the darch.weightUpdateFunction
parameter of
Rumelhart, D., G. E. Hinton, R. J. Williams, Learning representations by backpropagating errors, Nature 323, S. 533-536, DOI: 10.1038/323533a0, 1986.
Other fine-tuning functions: minimizeAutoencoder
model <- darch(Species ~ ., iris, darch.fineTuneFunction = "backpropagation")
# }
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