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darch (version 0.12.0)

darchBench: Benchmarking wrapper for darch


Simple benchmarking function which wraps around the darch function for users who can't or don't want to use the caret package for benchmarking. This function requires the foreach package to work, and will perform parallel benchmarks if an appropriate backend was registered beforehand.


darchBench(..., bench.times = 1, bench.save = F,
  bench.dir = "./darch.benchmark", bench.continue = T, bench.delete = F,
  bench.seeds = NULL, output.capture = bench.save, logLevel = NULL)



Parameters to the darch function


How many benchmark runs to perform


Whether to save benchmarking results to a directory


Path (relative or absolute) including directory where benchmark results are saved if bench.save is true


Whether the benchmark is to be continued from an earlier run. If TRUE, existing benchmark results are looked for in the directory given in bench.dir and new results are appended. If both this and bench.continue are FALSE and the directory given in bench.dir does already exist, the training will be aborted with an error.


Whether to delete the contents of bench.dir if bench.continue is FALSE. Caution: This will attempt to delete ALL files in the given directory, use at your own risk!


Vector of seeds, one for each run. Will be passed to darch.


Whether to capture R output in .Rout files in the given directory. This is the only way of gaining access to the R output since the foreach loop will not print anything to the console. Will be ignored if bench.save is FALSE.


futile.logger log level. Uses the currently set log level by default, which is futile.logger::flog.info if it was not changed. Other available levels include, from least to most verbose: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, DEBUG, and TRACE.


List of DArch instances; the results of each call to darch.

See Also

Other darch interface functions: darchTest, darch, plot.DArch, predict.DArch, print.DArch


Run this code
modelList <- darchBench(Species ~ ., iris, c(0, 50, 0),
 preProc.params = list(method = c("center", "scale")),
 darch.unitFunction = c("sigmoidUnit", "softmaxUnit"),
 darch.numEpochs = 30, bench.times = 10, bench.save = T)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab