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darksky (version 1.0.0)

get_forecast_for: Retrieve weather data for a specific place/time


Query for a specific time, past or future (for many places, 60 years in the past to 10 years in the future).


get_forecast_for(latitude, longitude, timestamp, units = "us", language = "en", exclude = NULL, add_json = FALSE, add_headers = FALSE, ...)


forecast latitude (character, decimal format)
forecast longitude (character, decimal format)
should either be a UNIX time (that is, seconds since midnight GMT on 1 Jan 1970) or a string formatted as follows: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS] (with an optional time zone formatted as Z for GMT time or [+|-][HH][MM] for an offset in hours or minutes). For the latter format, if no timezone is present, local time (at the provided latitude and longitude) is assumed. (This string format is a subset of ISO 8601 time. An as example, 2013-05-06T12:00:00-0400.)
return the API response in units other than the default Imperial unit
return text summaries in the desired language
exclude some number of data blocks from the API response. This is useful for reducing latency and saving cache space. This should be a comma-separated string (without spaces) including one or more of the following: (currently, minutely, hourly, daily, alerts, flags). Crafting a request with all of the above blocks excluded is exceedingly silly and not recommended. Setting this parameter to NULL (the default) does not exclude any parameters from the results.
add the raw JSON response to the object?
add the return headers to the object?
pass through parameters to httr::GET (e.g. to configure ssl options or proxies)


an darksky object that contains the original JSON response object (optionally), a list of named `tbl_df` `data.frame` objects corresponding to what was returned by the API and (optionally) relevant response headers (cache-control, expires, x-forecast-api-calls, x-response-time).


If you wish to have results in something besides Imperial units, set units to one of (si, ca, uk). Setting units to auto will have the API select the relevant units automatically, based on geographic location. This value is set to us (Imperial) units by default.

If you wish to have text summaries presented in a different language, set language to one of (ar, bs, de, es, fr, it, nl, pl, pt, ru, sv, tet, tr, x-pig-latin, zh). This value is set to en (English) by default.

See the Options section of the official Dark Sky API documentation for more information.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# tmp <- get_forecast_for(37.8267,-122.423, "2013-05-06T12:00:00-0400")
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab