d = as.data.table(list(1:6/2, 3:8/4))
# rollmean of single vector and single window
frollmean(d[, V1], 3)
# multiple columns at once
frollmean(d, 3)
# multiple windows at once
frollmean(d[, .(V1)], c(3, 4))
# multiple columns and multiple windows at once
frollmean(d, c(3, 4))
## three calls above will use multiple cores when available
# partial window using adaptive rolling function
an = function(n, len) c(seq.int(n), rep(n, len-n))
n = an(3, nrow(d))
frollmean(d, n, adaptive=TRUE)
# frollsum
frollsum(d, 3:4)
# frollapply
frollapply(d, 3:4, sum)
f = function(x, ...) if (sum(x, ...)>5) min(x, ...) else max(x, ...)
frollapply(d, 3:4, f, na.rm=TRUE)
# performance vs exactness
x = sample(c(rnorm(1e3, 1e6, 5e5), 5e9, 5e-9))
n = 15
ma = function(x, n, na.rm=FALSE) {
ans = rep(NA_real_, nx<-length(x))
for (i in n:nx) ans[i] = mean(x[(i-n+1):i], na.rm=na.rm)
fastma = function(x, n, na.rm) {
if (!missing(na.rm)) stop("NAs are unsupported, wrongly propagated by cumsum")
cs = cumsum(x)
scs = shift(cs, n)
scs[n] = 0
system.time(ans1<-ma(x, n))
system.time(ans2<-fastma(x, n))
system.time(ans3<-frollmean(x, n))
system.time(ans4<-frollmean(x, n, algo="exact"))
system.time(ans5<-frollapply(x, n, mean))
anserr = list(
fastma = ans2-ans1,
froll_fast = ans3-ans1,
froll_exact = ans4-ans1,
frollapply = ans5-ans1
errs = sapply(lapply(anserr, abs), sum, na.rm=TRUE)
sapply(errs, format, scientific=FALSE) # roundoff
# frollapply corner cases
f = function(x) head(x, 2) ## FUN returns non length 1
try(frollapply(1:5, 3, f))
f = function(x) { ## FUN sometimes returns non length 1
n = length(x)
# length 1 will be returned only for first iteration where we check length
if (n==x[n]) x[1L] else range(x) # range(x)[2L] is silently ignored!
frollapply(1:5, 3, f)
x = c(1,2,1,1,1,2,3,2)
frollapply(x, 3, uniqueN) ## FUN returns integer
numUniqueN = function(x) as.numeric(uniqueN(x))
frollapply(x, 3, numUniqueN)
x = c(1,2,1,1,NA,2,NA,2)
frollapply(x, 3, anyNA) ## FUN returns logical
as.logical(frollapply(x, 3, anyNA))
f = function(x) { ## FUN returns character
if (sum(x)>5) "big" else "small"
try(frollapply(1:5, 3, f))
f = function(x) { ## FUN is not type-stable
n = length(x)
# double type will be returned only for first iteration where we check type
if (n==x[n]) 1 else NA # NA logical turns into garbage without coercion to double
try(frollapply(1:5, 3, f))
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