SetGraphStyle(acme, rankdir = "TB")
SetEdgeStyle(acme, arrowhead = "vee", color = "blue", penwidth = 2)
#per default, Node style attributes will be inherited:
SetNodeStyle(acme, style = "filled,rounded", shape = "box", fillcolor = "GreenYellow",
fontname = "helvetica", tooltip = GetDefaultTooltip)
SetNodeStyle(acme$IT, fillcolor = "LightBlue", penwidth = "5px")
#inheritance can be avoided:
SetNodeStyle(acme$Accounting, inherit = FALSE, fillcolor = "Thistle",
fontcolor = "Firebrick", tooltip = "This is the accounting department")
SetEdgeStyle(acme$Research$`New Labs`,
color = "red",
label = "Focus!",
penwidth = 3,
fontcolor = "red")
#use Do to set style on specific nodes:
Do(acme$leaves, function(node) SetNodeStyle(node, shape = "egg"))
#print p as label, where available:
SetNodeStyle(acme, label = function(node) node$p)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab