recordId. character. The ID of the record.
projectId. character. The project ID of the record.
modelId. character. The model ID of the record.
backtest. character. The backtest of the record.
source. character. The source of the record.
seriesId. character. the series ID of the record.
status. character. The status of the insight.
statusDetails. character. The explanation of the status.
startDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the first prediction in the subset. Will be NULL if
status is not completed
endDate. POSIXct. Timestamp of the last prediction in the subset. Will be NULL
if status is not completed
predictionThreshold. numeric. The threshold, all rows with anomaly scores greater or
equal to it have shap explanations computed. Will be NULL if status is not completed
previewLocation. character. URL to retrieve predictions preview for the subset.
Will be NULL if status is not completed
latestExplanationsLocation. character. the URL to retrieve the latest predictions with
the shap explanations. Will be NULL if status is not completed
deleteLocation. character. the URL to delete anomaly assessment record and
relevant insight data.