RequestBlender: Submit a job for creating blender model. Upon success, the new job will
be added to the end of the queue.
This function requests the creation of a blend of several models in specified
DataRobot project. The function also allows the user to specify method used
for blending. This function returns an integer modelJobId value,
which can be used by the GetBlenderModelFromJobId function to return the full
blender model object.
An integer value that can be used as the modelJobId parameter
in subsequent calls to the GetBlenderModelFromJobId function.
character. Either (1) a character string giving the unique alphanumeric
identifier for the project, or (2) a list containing the element projectId with this
character. Vector listing the model Ids to be blended.
character. Parameter specifying blending method.
See acceptable values within BlendMethods.