Add metadata conforming the DataCite Metadata Schema.
Identifier = NULL,
Publisher = NULL,
PublicationYear = NULL,
Subject = subject_create(term = "data sets", subjectScheme =
"Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)", schemeURI =
"", valueURI =
Type = "Dataset",
Contributor = NULL,
DateList = ":tba",
Language = NULL,
AlternateIdentifier = ":unas",
RelatedIdentifier = ":unas",
Format = ":tba",
Version = "0.1.0",
Rights = ":tba",
Description = ":tba",
Geolocation = ":unas",
FundingReference = ":unas"
)as_datacite(x, type = "bibentry", ...)
# S3 method for datacite
creates a utils::bibentry
extended with standard Dublin Core bibliographical metadata, as_datacite()
retrieves the contents of this bibentry object of a dataset_df from its attributes, and returns the contents as list, dataset_df, or bibentry object.
as_datacite(x, type)
returns the DataCite bibliographical metadata
of x either as a list, a bibentry object, or a dataset_df object.
returns a logical values (if the object x
is of class datacite
The name(s) or title(s) by which a resource is known. May be the
title of a dataset or the name of a piece of software.
Similar to
The main researchers involved in producing the data, or the authors of the publication, in priority order. To supply multiple creators, repeat this property.
The Identifier is a unique string that identifies a resource. For software, determine
whether the identifier is for a specific version of a piece of software, (per the
Force11 Software Citation Principles,
or for all versions. Similar to dct:title
in dublincore()
The name of the entity that holds, archives, publishes prints,
distributes, releases, issues, or produces the resource. This property will be used to
formulate the citation, so consider the prominence of the role.
For software, use Publisher for the code repository. Mandatory in DataCite, and similar to
. See publisher()
The year when the data was or will be made publicly available in
format.See publication_year()
Recommended for discovery. Subject, keyword, classification code, or key
phrase describing the resource. Similar to
Use subject
to properly add a key phrase from a controlled vocabulary
and create structured Subject objects with subject_create
Defaults to Dataset
The DataCite resourceType definition refers back to
The Type$resourceTypeGeneral
is set to "Dataset"
, while the user can set a more
specific Type$resourceType
Recommended for discovery. The institution or person responsible for collecting, managing, distributing, or otherwise contributing to the development of the resource.
DataCite 4.4 allows to set multiple dates to a resource, they should be added as a list. See: datacite:Date.
The primary language of the resource. Allowed values are taken from
IETF BCP 47, ISO 639-1 language code. See language()
An identifier or identifiers other than the primary
Identifier applied to the resource being registered. This may be any
alphanumeric string unique within its domain of issue. It may be used for
local identifiers.
should be used for another
identifier of the same instance (same location, same file).
Defaults to ":unas"
for unassigned values.
Recommended for discovery.
Defaults to ":unas"
for unassigned values.
Similar to
Technical format of the resource. Use file extension or MIME type where possible, e.g., PDF, XML, MPG or application/pdf, text/xml, video/mpeg. Similar to dct:format.
Free text. Suggested practice: track major_version.minor_version.
Defaults to "0.1.0"
See version
Any rights information for this resource. The property may be
repeated to record complex rights characteristics, but this is not yet supported.
Free text. See rights
Defaults to ":tba"
Recommended for discovery. All additional information that does not
fit in any of the other categories. It may be used for technical information—a free text.
Defaults to ":tba"
Similar to dct:description.
Recommended for discovery. Spatial region or named place where the data was gathered
or about which the data is focused. See geolocation()
Information about financial support (funding) for the resource
being registered.
Defaults to ":unas"
for unassigned values. Complex types with subproperties
are not yet implemented.
An object that is tested if it has a class "datacite".
A DataCite 4.4 metadata can be returned as a type="list"
a type="dataset_df"
, or a type="bibentry"
Optional parameters to add to a datacite
author=person("Jane", "Doe")
adds an author to the citation
object if type="dataset"
as_datacite(iris_dataset, type="list")
DataCite is a leading global non-profit organisation that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data and other research outputs. Organisations within the research community join DataCite as members to be able to assign DOIs to all their research outputs. This way, their outputs become discoverable, and associated metadata is made available to the community.
The ResourceType
property will be by definition "Dataset".
The Size
attribute (e.g. bytes, pages, inches, etc.) will automatically added to
the dataset.
Other bibentry functions:
Title = "Iris Dataset",
Creator = person(family = "Anderson", given = "Edgar", role = "aut"),
Publisher = "American Iris Society",
PublicationYear = 1935,
Geolocation = "US",
Language = "en")
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