Add metadata conforming the DCMI Metadata Terms. to datasets, i.e. structured R data.frame or list objects, for an accurate and consistent identification of a resource for citation and retrieval purposes.
identifier = NULL,
publisher = NULL,
subject = NULL,
type = "DCMITYPE:Dataset",
contributor = NULL,
date = NULL,
language = NULL,
relation = NULL,
format = "application/r-rds",
rights = NULL,
datasource = NULL,
description = NULL,
coverage = NULL
)as_dublincore(x, type = "bibentry", ...)
# S3 method for dublincore
creates a utils::bibentry
extended with standard Dublin Core bibliographical metadata, as_dublincore()
retrieves the contents of this bibentry object of a dataset_df from its attributes, and returns the contents as list, dataset_df, or bibentry object.
A logical value, if the bibliographic entries are listed according to the Dublin Core specification.
dct:title, a name given to the resource.
allows the use of alternate titles, too. See dataset_title
An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.
Corresponds to Creator
in datacite
. See creator
An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Recommended practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to an
identification system. Examples include International Standard Book Number (ISBN),
Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and Uniform Resource Name (URN).
Select and identifier scheme from
registered URI schemes maintained by IANA.
More details: Guidelines for using resource identifiers in Dublin Core metadata and IEEE LOM.
Similar to Identifier
in datacite
. See identifier
Corresponds to dct:publisher
and Publisher in DataCite.
The name of the entity that holds, archives, publishes prints, distributes, releases,
issues, or produces the resource. This property will be used to formulate the citation,
so consider the prominence of the role. For software, use Publisher
for the
code repository. If there is an entity other than a code repository, that
"holds, archives, publishes, prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces" the
code, use the property Contributor/contributorType/hostingInstitution for the code
repository. See publisher
Defaults to NULL
. See subject
to add subject descriptions
to your dataset.
The nature or genre of the resource. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary
For a dataset, the correct term is Dataset
To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the
Format element.
An entity responsible for making contributions to the dataset. See DCMI: Contributor.
Corresponds to a point or period of time associated with an event in the
lifecycle of the resource. dct:date.
is also recommended for
discovery in datacite
, but it requires a different formatting.
A language of the dataset. See DCMI: Language.
A related resource. Recommended best practice is to identify the related
resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
See: dct:relation.
Similar to RelatedItem
in datacite
, which is recommended for discovery.
The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the dataset. See DCMI: Format.
Corresponds to dct:rights and
Rights. Information about rights held in and over the resource.
Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource,
including intellectual property rights. See rights
The source of the dataset,
DCMI: Source,
which corresponds to a relatedItem
in the DataCite vocabulary. We use
instead of source
to avoid naming conflicts with the
An account of the resource. It may include but is not limited to:
an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
dct:description. In
it is recommended for discovery. See description
The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, spatial applicability of the dataset, or jurisdiction under which the dataset is relevant. See DCMI: Coverage.
An object that is tested if it has a class "dublincore".
Optional parameters to add to a dublincore
author=person("Jane", "Doe")
adds an author to the citation
object if type="dataset"
The Dublin Core, also known as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES), is a set of fifteen main metadata items for describing digital or physical resources, such as datasets or their printed versions. Dublin Core has been formally standardized internationally as ISO 15836, as IETF RFC 5013 by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), as well as in the U.S. as ANSI/NISO Z39.85.
The ResourceType
property will be by definition "Dataset".
The Size
attribute (e.g. bytes, pages, inches, etc.) will automatically added to the dataset.
Other bibentry functions:
my_bibentry <- dublincore(
title = "Iris Dataset",
creator = person("Edgar", "Anderson", role = "aut"),
publisher = "American Iris Society",
datasource = "",
date = 1935,
language = "en",
description = "This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) iris data set gives the
measurements in centimeters of the variables sepal length and width and petal length
and width, respectively, for 50 flowers from each of 3 species of iris.
The species are Iris setosa, versicolor, and virginica."
as_dublincore(iris_dataset, type="list")
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