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dbplyr (version 2.4.0)

db-sql: SQL generation generics


SQL translation:

  • sql_expr_matches(con, x, y) generates an alternative to x = y when a pair of NULLs should match. The default translation uses a CASE WHEN as described in https://modern-sql.com/feature/is-distinct-from.

  • sql_translation(con) generates a SQL translation environment.

  • Deprecated: sql_random(con) generates SQL to get a random number which can be used to select random rows in slice_sample(). This is now replaced by adding a translation for runif(n()).

  • supports_window_clause(con) does the backend support named windows?

  • db_supports_table_alias_with_as(con) does the backend support using AS when using a table alias?


  • sql_table_analyze(con, table) generates SQL that "analyzes" the table, ensuring that the database has up-to-date statistics for use in the query planner. It called from copy_to() when analyze = TRUE.

  • sql_table_index() generates SQL for adding an index to table.

Query manipulation:

  • sql_query_explain(con, sql) generates SQL that "explains" a query, i.e. generates a query plan describing what indexes etc that the database will use.

  • sql_query_fields() generates SQL for a 0-row result that is used to capture field names in tbl_sql()

  • sql_query_save(con, sql) generates SQL for saving a query into a (temporary) table.

  • sql_query_wrap(con, from) generates SQL for wrapping a query into a subquery.

Query indentation:

  • sql_indent_subquery(from, con, lvl) helps indenting a subquery.

Query generation:

  • sql_query_select() generates SQL for a SELECT query

  • sql_query_join() generates SQL for joins

  • sql_query_semi_join() generates SQL for semi- and anti-joins

  • sql_query_set_op() generates SQL for UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT queries.

Query generation for manipulation:

  • sql_query_insert() and sql_query_append() generate SQL for an INSERT FROM query.

  • sql_query_update_from() generates SQL for an UPDATE FROM query.

  • sql_query_upsert() generates SQL for an UPSERT query.

  • sql_query_delete() generates SQL for an DELETE FROM query

  • sql_returning_cols() generates SQL for a RETURNING clause


sql_expr_matches(con, x, y, ...)



sql_table_analyze(con, table, ...)

sql_table_index( con, table, columns, name = NULL, unique = FALSE, ..., call = caller_env() )

sql_query_explain(con, sql, ...)

sql_query_fields(con, sql, ...)

sql_query_save(con, sql, name, temporary = TRUE, ...)

sql_query_wrap(con, from, name = NULL, ..., lvl = 0)

sql_indent_subquery(from, con, lvl = 0)

sql_query_rows(con, sql, ...)



sql_query_select( con, select, from, where = NULL, group_by = NULL, having = NULL, window = NULL, order_by = NULL, limit = NULL, distinct = FALSE, ..., subquery = FALSE, lvl = 0 )

sql_query_join( con, x, y, select, type = "inner", by = NULL, na_matches = FALSE, ..., lvl = 0 )

sql_query_multi_join(con, x, joins, table_names, by_list, select, ..., lvl = 0)

sql_query_semi_join(con, x, y, anti, by, where, vars, ..., lvl = 0)

sql_query_set_op(con, x, y, method, ..., all = FALSE, lvl = 0)

sql_query_union(con, x, unions, ..., lvl = 0)

sql_returning_cols(con, cols, table, ...)


dbplyr 2.0.0

Many dplyr::db_* generics have been replaced by dbplyr::sql_* generics. To update your backend, you'll need to extract the SQL generation out of your existing code, and place it in a new method for a dbplyr sql_ generic.

The query generating functions have also changed names. Their behaviour is unchanged, so you just need to rename the generic and import from dbplyr instead of dplyr.

Learn more in vignette("backend-2.0")

See Also

Other generic: db_connection_describe(), db_copy_to(), sql_escape_logical()