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comps: Find Connected Components in a Nearest-neighbor Graph


Generic function and methods to find connected components in nearest neighbor graphs.


comps(x, ...)

# S3 method for dist comps(x, eps, ...)

# S3 method for kNN comps(x, mutual = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for sNN comps(x, ...)

# S3 method for frNN comps(x, ...)


a integer vector with component assignments.



the NN object representing the graph or a dist object


further arguments are currently unused.


threshold on the distance


for a pair of points, do both have to be in each other's neighborhood?


Michael Hahsler


Note that for kNN graphs, one point may be in the kNN of the other but nor vice versa. mutual = TRUE requires that both points are in each other's kNN.

See Also

Other NN functions: NN, frNN(), kNN(), kNNdist(), sNN()


Run this code
n <- 100
x <- cbind(
  x=runif(10, 0, 5) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.4),
  y=runif(10, 0, 5) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.4)
plot(x, pch = 16)

# Connected components on a graph where each pair of points
# with a distance less or equal to eps are connected
d <- dist(x)
components <- comps(d, eps = .8)
plot(x, col = components, pch = 16)

# Connected components in a fixed radius nearest neighbor graph
# Gives the same result as the threshold on the distances above
frnn <- frNN(x, eps = .8)
components <- comps(frnn)
plot(frnn, data = x, col = components)

# Connected components on a k nearest neighbors graph
knn <- kNN(x, 3)
components <- comps(knn, mutual = FALSE)
plot(knn, data = x, col = components)

components <- comps(knn, mutual = TRUE)
plot(knn, data = x, col = components)

# Connected components in a shared nearest neighbor graph
snn <- sNN(x, k = 10, kt = 5)
components <- comps(snn)
plot(snn, data = x, col = components)

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