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dbscan (version 1.2-0)

hullplot: Plot Convex Hulls of Clusters


This function produces a two-dimensional scatter plot with added convex hulls for clusters.


  col = NULL,
  cex = 0.5,
  hull_lwd = 1,
  hull_lty = 1,
  solid = TRUE,
  alpha = 0.2,
  main = "Convex Cluster Hulls",



a data matrix. If more than 2 columns are provided, then the data is plotted using the first two principal components.


a clustering. Either a numeric cluster assignment vector or a clustering object (a list with an element named cluster).


colors used for clusters. Defaults to the standard palette. The first color (default is black) is used for noise/unassigned points (cluster id 0).


expansion factor for symbols.

hull_lwd, hull_lty

line width and line type used for the convex hull.

solid, alpha

draw filled polygons instead of just lines for the convex hulls? alpha controls the level of alpha shading.


main title.


additional arguments passed on to plot.


Michael Hahsler


Run this code
n <- 400

x <- cbind(
  x = runif(4, 0, 1) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1),
  y = runif(4, 0, 1) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1)
cl <- rep(1:4, time = 100)

### original data with true clustering
hullplot(x, cl, main = "True clusters")
### use differnt symbols
hullplot(x, cl, main = "True clusters", pch = cl)
### just the hulls
hullplot(x, cl, main = "True clusters", pch = NA)
### a version suitable for b/w printing)
hullplot(x, cl, main = "True clusters", solid = FALSE, col = "black", pch = cl)

### run some clustering algorithms and plot the resutls
db <- dbscan(x, eps = .07, minPts = 10)
hullplot(x, db, main = "DBSCAN")

op <- optics(x, eps = 10, minPts = 10)
opDBSCAN <- extractDBSCAN(op, eps_cl = .07)
hullplot(x, opDBSCAN, main = "OPTICS")

opXi <- extractXi(op, xi = 0.05)
hullplot(x, opXi, main = "OPTICSXi")

# Extract minimal 'flat' clusters only
opXi <- extractXi(op, xi = 0.05, minimum = TRUE)
hullplot(x, opXi, main = "OPTICSXi")

km <- kmeans(x, centers = 4)
hullplot(x, km, main = "k-means")

hc <- cutree(hclust(dist(x)), k = 4)
hullplot(x, hc, main = "Hierarchical Clustering")

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