# 1) a newick tree that is imported as a phylo-formatted tree
tree <- "(((t1:5,t2:5):2,(t3:4,t4:4):3):2,(t5:4,t6:4):6);"
phy <- ape::read.tree(text=tree)
# 2) an input data matrix storing discrete states for tips (in rows) X four characters (in columns)
data1 <- matrix(c(0,rep(1,3),rep(0,2)), ncol=1)
data2 <- matrix(c(rep(0,4),rep(1,2)), ncol=1)
data <- cbind(data1, data1, data1, data2)
colnames(data) <- c("C1", "C2", "C3", "C4")
## reconstruct ancestral states, without detailed output
res <- dcAncestralMP(data, phy, parallel=FALSE)
# 3) an input data matrix storing discrete states for tips (in rows) X only one character
data <- matrix(c(0,rep(1,3),rep(0,2)), ncol=1)
## reconstruct ancestral states, with detailed output
res <- dcAncestralMP(data, phy, parallel=FALSE, output.detail=TRUE)
## get the inner-most list
res <- res[[1]]
## visualise the tree with ancestral states and their conditional probability
Ntip <- ape::Ntip(phy)
Nnode <- ape::Nnode(phy)
color <- c("white","gray")
## visualise main tree
ape::plot.phylo(phy, type="p", use.edge.length=TRUE, label.offset=1,
show.tip.label=TRUE, show.node.label=FALSE)
## visualise tips (state 1 in gray, state 0 in white)
x <- data[,1]
ape::tiplabels(pch=22, bg=color[as.numeric(x)+1], cex=2, adj=1)
## visualise internal nodes
### thermo bar to illustrate relative probability (state 1 in gray, state 0 in white)
piecol=color[2:1], cex=0.75)
### labeling reconstructed ancestral states
ape::nodelabels(text=res$states[Ntip+1:Nnode], node=Ntip+1:Nnode,
frame="none", col="red", bg="transparent", cex=0.75)
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