Integrate an ODE or DDE with dopri.
dopri(y, times, func, parms, ..., n_out = 0L, output = NULL,
rtol = 1e-06, atol = 1e-06, step_size_min = 0, step_size_max = Inf,
step_size_initial = 0, step_max_n = 100000L,
step_size_min_allow = FALSE, tcrit = NULL, event_time = NULL,
event_function = NULL, method = "dopri5", stiff_check = 0,
verbose = FALSE, callback = NULL, n_history = 0,
grow_history = FALSE, return_history = n_history > 0, dllname = "",
parms_are_real = TRUE, ynames = names(y), outnames = NULL,
return_by_column = TRUE, return_initial = TRUE, return_time = TRUE,
return_output_with_y = TRUE, return_statistics = FALSE,
restartable = FALSE, return_minimal = FALSE)dopri5(y, times, func, parms, ...)
dopri853(y, times, func, parms, ...)
dopri_continue(obj, times, y = NULL, ..., copy = FALSE, parms = NULL,
tcrit = NULL, return_history = NULL, return_by_column = NULL,
return_initial = NULL, return_statistics = NULL, return_time = NULL,
return_output_with_y = NULL, restartable = NULL)
ylag(t, i = NULL)
At present the return value is transposed relative to deSolve. This might change in future.
Initial conditions for the integration
Times where output is needed. Unlike deSolve
we won't actually stop at these times, but instead interpolate
back to get the result.
Function to integrate. Can be an R function of
arguments t, y, parms
, returning a numeric vector, or it
can be the name or address of a C function with arguments
size_t n, double t, const double *y, double *dydt, void *data
Parameters to pass through to the derivatives.
Dummy arguments - nothing is allowed here, but this means that all further arguments must be specified by name (not order) so I can easily reorder them later on.
Number of "output" variables (not differential
equation variables) to compute via the routine output
The output routine; either an R function taking
arguments t, y, parms
or the name/address of a C function
taking arguments size_t n, double t, const double *y,
size_t n_out, double *out, void *data
The per-step relative tolerance. The total accuracy will be less than this.
The per-step absolute tolerance.
The minimum step size. The actual minimum
used will be the largest of the absolute value of this
or .Machine$double.eps
. If the
integration attempts to make a step smaller than this, it will
throw an error by default, stopping the integration (note that
this differs from the treatment of hmin
). See allow_step_size_min
to change
this behaviour.
The largest step size. By default there is
no maximum step size (Inf) so the solver can take as large a
step as it wants to. If you have short-lived fluctuations in
your rhs that the solver may skip over by accident, then specify
a smaller maximum step size here (or use tcrit
The initial step size. By default the integrator will guess the step size automatically, but one can be given here instead.
The maximum number of steps allowed. If the
solver takes more steps than this it will throw an error. Note
the number of evaluations of func
will be about 6 times
the number of steps (or 11 times if using method =
Logical, indicating if when a step size
is driven down to step_size_min
we should allow it to
proceed. This is the behaviour in of hmin
An optional vector of critical times that the solver
must stop at (rather than interpolating over). This can include
an end time that we can't go past, or points within the
integration that must be stopped at exactly (for example cases
where the derivatives change abruptly). Note that this differs
from the interpretation of this parameter in deSolve; there
is a single time that integration may not go past
-- with dde we never go past the final time, and this is just
for times that fall within the range of times in
Vector of times to fire events listed in
Function to fire at events. For R models
is an R function and dllname
is empty), this
must be either a single R function (same function for all
events) or a list
of R functions. For C models, this
must be a singe C function (same requirements as func
or a list/vector of these as appropriate).
The integration method to use, as a string. The
supported methods are "dopri5"
(5th order method with 4th
order dense output) and "dopri853"
(8th order method with
7th order output and embedded 5th and 3rd order schemes).
Alternatively, use the functions dopri5
which simply sets this argument.
How often to check that the problem has become
stiff. If zero, then the problem is never checked, and if
positive then the problem is checked every stiff_check
accepted steps. The actual check is based off the algorithm in
Hairer's implementation of the solvers and may be overly strict,
especially for delay equations with the 853 method (in my
limited experience with it).
Be verbose, and print information about each step.
This may be useful for learning about models that misbehave.
Valid values are TRUE
(enable debugging) or FALSE
(disable debugging) or use one of dopri:::VERBOSE_QUIET
If an R function is provided as the argument callback
then this function will also be called at each step or
evaluation (see below for details).
Callback function that can be used to make verbose
output more useful. This can be used to return more information
about the evaluation as it proceeds, generally as information
printed to the screen. The function must accept arguments
, y
and dydt
. See Details for further
Number of history points to retain. This needs to be greater than zero for delay differential equations to work. Alternatively, this may be greater than zero to return model outputs that can be inspected later.
Logical indicating if history should be grown
during the simulation. If FALSE
(the default) then when
history is used it is overwritten as needed (so only the most
recent n_history
elements are saved. This may require
some tuning so that you have enough history to run your
simulation (i.e. to the longest delay) or an error will be
thrown when it underflows. The required history length will
vary with your delay sizes and with the timestep for dopri. If
, then history will grow as the buffer is exhausted.
The growth is geometric, so every time it reaches the end of the
buffer it will increase by a factor of about 1.6 (see the
documentation). This may consume more memory than
necessary, but may be useful where you don't want to care about
picking the history length carefully.
Logical indicating if history should be
returned alongside the output or discarded. By default, history
is retained if n_history
is greater than 0, but that
might change (and may not be desirable unless you plan on
actually using it).
Name of the shared library (without extension) to
find the function func
(and output
if given) in
the case where func
refers to compiled function.
Logical, indicating if parms
be treated as vector of doubles by func
(when it is a
compiled function). If TRUE
(the default), then
, which is double*
is passed through.
then if params
is an externalptr type
) we pass through the result of
, otherwise we pass params
through unmodified as a SEXP
. In the last case, in your
target function you will need to include <Rinternals.h>
cast to SEXP
and then pull it apart using the R API (or
Logical, indicating if the output should be named
following the names of the input vector y
Alternatively, if ynames
is a character vector of the
same length as y
, these will be used as the output names.
An optional character vector, used when
is greater than 0, to name the model output matrix.
Logical, indicating if the output should be
returned organised by column (rather than row). This incurs a
slight cost for transposing the matrices. If you can work with
matrices that are transposed relative to deSolve
, then
set this to FALSE
Logical, indicating if the output should
include the initial conditions. Specifying FALSE
binding this onto the output.
Logical, indicating if a row (or column if
) representing time is included.
, this is not added.
Logical, indicating if the output
should be bound together with the returned matrix y
it is with deSolve
, then output will
be returned as the attribute output
Logical, indicating if statistics about
the run should be included. If TRUE
, then an integer
vector containing the number of target evaluations, steps,
accepted steps and rejected steps is returned (the vector is
Logical, indicating if the problem should be
restartable. If TRUE
, then the return value of an
integration can be passed to dopri_restart
to continue
the integration after arbitrary changes to the state or the
parameters. Note that when using delay models, the integrator
is fairly naive about how abrupt changes in the state space are
dealt with, and may perform very badly with method =
which assumes a fairly smooth problem. Note that
this is really only useful for delay differential equations
where you want to keep the history but make changes to the
parameters or to the state vector while keeping the history of
the problem so far.
Shorthand option - if set to TRUE
then it sets all of return_by_column
, return_time
An object to continue from; this must be the results of
running an integration with the option restartable =
. Note that continuing a problem moves the pointer along
in time (unless copy = TRUE
, and that the incoming time
) must equal the previous time exactly.
Logical, indicating if the pointer should be copied
before continuing. If TRUE
, this is non-destructive with
respect to the data in the original pointer so the problem can
be restarted multiple times. By default this is FALSE
because there is a (potentially very small) cost to this
The time to access (not that this is not an offset,
but the actual time; within your target function you'd write
things like tlag(t - 1)
to get 1 time unit ago.
index within the state vector y
to return. The
index here is R-style base-1 indexing, so pass 1
in to
access the first element. This can be left NULL
return all the elements or a vector longer than one.
Debugging a failed integration can be difficult, but dopri
provides a couple of tools to get more information about where a
failure might have occurred. Most simply, one can pass
verbose = TRUE
which will print information about the
time and the step size at each point just before the step is
stated. Passing in verbose = dde:::VERBOSE_EVAL
print information just before every evaluation of the target
function (there are several evaluations per step).
However, this does not provide information about the state just
before failure. To get that, one must provide a callback
function - this is an R function that will be called just before
a step or evaluation (based on the value of the verbose
argument) in place of the default print. Define a callback
function with arguments t
, h
and y
is the time (beginning of a step or location of an
evaluation), h
is the step size (or NA
for an
evaluation) and y
is the state at the point of the step
or evaluation. Your callback function can do anything - you can
print to the screen (using cat
or message
), you
can store results using a closure and <<-
or you could
conditionally use a browser()
call to debug
interactively. However, it is not possible for the callback to
affect the solution short of throwing an error and interrupting
it. See the Examples for an example of use.
Like deSolve::lsoda
, this function has many
arguments. This is far from ideal, and I would welcome any
approach for simplifying it a bit.
The options return_by_column
, return_initial
, return_output_with_y
exist because
these options all carry out modifications of the data at the end
of solving the ODE and this can incur a small but measurable cost.
When solving an ODE repeatedly (e.g., in the context of an MCMC or
optimisation) it may be useful to do as little as possible. For
simple problems this can save around 5-10% of the total
computational time (especially the transpose). The shorthand
option return_minimal
will set all to FALSE
which can be used to
efficiently sample from output of dopri
, and the package
vignette which shows in more detail how to solve delay
differential equations and to use compiled objective functions.
# The lorenz attractor:
lorenz <- function(t, y, p) {
sigma <- p[[1L]]
R <- p[[2L]]
b <- p[[3L]]
c(sigma * (y[[2L]] - y[[1L]]),
R * y[[1L]] - y[[2L]] - y[[1L]] * y[[3L]],
-b * y[[3L]] + y[[1L]] * y[[2L]])
p <- c(10, 28, 8 / 3)
y0 <- c(10, 1, 1)
tt <- seq(0, 100, length.out = 40000)
y <- dde::dopri(y0, tt, lorenz, p, return_time = FALSE)
plot(y[, c(1, 3)], type = "l", lwd = 0.5, col = "#00000066")
# If we want to print progress as the integration progresses we can
# use the verbose argument:
y <- dde::dopri(y0, c(0, 0.1), lorenz, p, verbose = TRUE)
# Or print the y values too using a callback:
callback <- function(t, h, y) {
message(sprintf("t: %f, h: %e, y: [%s]", t, h,
paste(format(y, 5), collapse = ", ")))
y <- dde::dopri(y0, c(0, 0.1), lorenz, p, verbose = TRUE,
callback = callback)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab