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## ======================================================
## Example 1. PAR an on-off function
## ======================================================
## -----------------------------
## the model parameters:
## -----------------------------
parameters <- c(maxPhotoSynt = 0.125, # mol C/mol C/hr
rMortPHY = 0.001, # /hr
alpha = -0.125/150, # uEinst/m2/s/hr
pExudation = 0.0, # -
maxProteinSynt = 0.136, # mol C/mol C/hr
ksDIN = 1.0, # mmol N/m3
minpLMW = 0.05, # mol C/mol C
maxpLMW = 0.15, # mol C/mol C
minQuotum = 0.075, # mol C/mol C
maxStorage = 0.23, # /h
respirationRate= 0.0001, # /h
pResp = 0.4, # -
catabolismRate = 0.06, # /h
dilutionRate = 0.01, # /h
rNCProtein = 0.2, # mol N/mol C
inputDIN = 10.0, # mmol N/m3
rChlN = 1, # g Chl/mol N
parMean = 250., # umol Phot/m2/s
dayLength = 15. # hours
## -----------------------------
## The initial conditions
## -----------------------------
state <- c(DIN = 6., # mmol N/m3
PROTEIN = 20.0, # mmol C/m3
RESERVE = 5.0, # mmol C/m3
LMW = 1.0) # mmol C/m3
## -----------------------------
## Running the model
## -----------------------------
times <- seq(0, 24*20, 1)
out <-, state, parameters))
## -----------------------------
## Plotting model output
## -----------------------------
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0))
col <- grey(0.9)
ii <- 1:length(out$PAR)
plot(times[ii], out$Chlorophyll[ii], type = "l",
main = "Chlorophyll", xlab = "time, hours",ylab = "ug/l")
polygon(times[ii], out$PAR[ii]-10, col = col, border = NA); box()
lines(times[ii], out$Chlorophyll[ii], lwd = 2 )
plot (times[ii], out$DIN[ii], type = "l", main = "DIN",
xlab = "time, hours",ylab = "mmolN/m3")
polygon(times[ii], out$PAR[ii]-10, col = col, border = NA); box()
lines(times[ii], out$DIN[ii], lwd = 2 )
plot (times[ii], out$NCratio[ii], type = "n", main = "NCratio",
xlab = "time, hours", ylab = "molN/molC")
polygon(times[ii], out$PAR[ii]-10, col = col, border = NA); box()
lines(times[ii], out$NCratio[ii], lwd = 2 )
plot (times[ii], out$PhotoSynthesis[ii],type = "l",
main = "PhotoSynthesis", xlab = "time, hours",
ylab = "mmolC/m3/hr")
polygon(times[ii], out$PAR[ii]-10, col = col, border = NA); box()
lines(times[ii], out$PhotoSynthesis[ii], lwd = 2 )
mtext(outer = TRUE, side = 3, "AQUAPHY, PAR= on-off", cex = 1.5)
## -----------------------------
## Summary model output
## -----------------------------
## ======================================================
## Example 2. PAR a forcing function data set
## ======================================================
times <- seq(0, 24*20, 1)
## -----------------------------
## create the forcing functions
## -----------------------------
ftime <- seq(0,500,by=0.5)
parval <- pmax(0,250 + 350*sin(ftime*2*pi/24)+
Par <- matrix(nc=2,c(ftime,parval))
state <- c(DIN = 6., # mmol N/m3
PROTEIN = 20.0, # mmol C/m3
RESERVE = 5.0, # mmol C/m3
LMW = 1.0) # mmol C/m3
out <- aquaphy(times, state, parameters, Par)
plot(out, which = c("PAR", "Chlorophyll", "DIN", "NCratio"),
xlab = "time, hours",
ylab = c("uEinst/m2/s", "ug/l", "mmolN/m3", "molN/molC"))
mtext(outer = TRUE, side = 3, "AQUAPHY, PAR=forcing", cex = 1.5)
# Now all variables plotted in one figure...
plot(out, which = 1:9, type = "l")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# }
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