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deldir (version 1.0-9)

tile.list: Create a list of tiles in a tessellation


For each point in the set being tessellated produces a list entry describing the Dirichlet/Voronoi tile containing that point.




A list with one entry for each of the points in the set being tessellated, or for each of the tiles that are retained after clipping if clipp is not NULL. Each entry is in turn a list with a number of components. These components always include:


The index of the point in the original sequence of points that is being tessellated. Note that if a point is one of a set of duplicated points then ptNum is the first of the indices of the points in this set.


The coordinates of the point whose tile is being described.


The area of the tile.

If the tile in question has not been subdivided by the clipping process then the list components also include:


The x coordinates of the vertices of the tile, in anticlockwise order.


The y coordinates of the vertices of the tile, in anticlockwise order.


Vector of logicals indicating whether the tile vertex is a ``real'' vertex, or a boundary point, i.e. a point where the tile edge intersects the boundary of the enclosing rectangle.

If the tile in question has been subdivided then the list does not have the foregoing three components but rather has a component tileParts which is in turn a list of length equal to the number of parts into which the tile was subdivided. Each component of tileParts is yet another list with four components x, y, bp and area as described above and as are appropriate for the part in question.


The “auxiliary value” or “tag” associated with the pt; present only if such values were supplied in the call to deldir().



An object of class deldir as produced by the function deldir().


Positive numeric scalar specifying the minimum length that an edge of a tile may have. It is used to eliminate edges that are effectively of zero length, which can cause tiles to be “invalid”. This argument defaults to sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) time the diameter (length of the diagonal) of the “rectangular window” associated with the tessellation. This rectangular window is available as the rw component of object.


An object specifying a polygon to which the tessellation, whose tiles are being determined, should be clipped. It should consist either of:

  • a list containing two components x and y giving the coordinates of the vertices of a single polygon. The last vertex should not repeat the first vertex. Or:

  • a list of list(x,y) structures giving the coordinates of the vertices of several polygons.

If this argument is provided then the tiles in the list that is produced are “clipped” to the polygon specified by clipp. Empty tiles (those which do not intersect the polygon specified by clipp) are omitted. The clipping process may subdivide some of the tiles into two or more discontiguous parts.


Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz


The author expresses sincere thanks to Majid Yazdani who found and pointed out a serious bug in tile.list in a previous version (0.0-5) of the deldir package.


The set of vertices of each tile may be ``incomplete''. Only vertices which lie within the enclosing rectangle, and ``boundary points'' are listed.

Note that the enclosing rectangle may be specified by the user in the call to deldir().

In contrast to some earlier versions of deldir, the corners of the enclosing rectangle are now included as vertices of tiles. I.e. a tile which in fact extends beyond the rectangular window and contains a corner of that window will have that corner added to its list of vertices. Thus the corresponding polygon is the intersection of the tile with the enclosing rectangle.

See Also

deldir(), plot.tile.list() triang.list() plot.triang.list()


Run this code
    x <- runif(20)
    y <- runif(20)
    z <- deldir(x,y)
    w <- tile.list(z)

    z <- deldir(x,y,rw=c(0,1,0,1))
    w <- tile.list(z)

    z <- deldir(x,y,rw=c(0,1,0,1),dpl=list(ndx=2,ndy=2))
    w <- tile.list(z)
    if(require(polyclip)) {
        CP <- list(x=c(0.49,0.35,0.15,0.20,0.35,0.42,
        wc <- tile.list(z,clipp=CP) # 10 tiles are retained; the third tile,
                                    # corresponding to point 6, is
                                    # subdivided into two parts.

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