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dendextend (version 1.3.0)

branches_attr_by_labels: Change col/lwd/lty of branches matching labels condition


The user supplies a dend, labels, and type of condition (all/any), and TF_values And the function returns a dendrogram with branches col/lwd/lty accordingly


branches_attr_by_labels(dend, labels, TF_values = c(2, Inf), attr = c("col", "lwd", "lty"), type = c("all", "any"), ...)


a dendrogram dend
a character vector of labels from the tree
a two dimensional vector with the TF_values to use in case a branch fulfills the condition (TRUE) and in the case that it does not (FALSE). Defaults are 2/Inf for col, lwd and lty. (so it will insert the first value, and will not change all the FALSE cases)
a character with one of the following values: col/lwd/lty
a character vector of either "all" or "any", indicating which of the branches should be painted: ones that all of their labels belong to the supplied labels, or also ones that even some of their labels are included in the labels vector.


A dendrogram with modified branches (col/lwd/lty).

See Also

noded_with_condition, get_leaves_attr, nnodes, nleaves


Run this code
## Not run: 
# library(dendextend)
# set.seed(23235)
# ss <- sample(1:150, 10 )
# # Getting the dend dend
# dend <- iris[ss,-5] %>% dist %>% hclust %>% as.dendrogram
# dend %>% plot
# dend %>% 
#    branches_attr_by_labels(c("123", "126", "23", "29")) %>%
#    plot
# dend %>% 
#    branches_attr_by_labels(c("123", "126", "23", "29"), "all") %>% 
#    plot # the same as above
# dend %>% 
#    branches_attr_by_labels(c("123", "126", "23", "29"), "any") %>% 
#    plot
# dend %>% 
#       branches_attr_by_labels(c("123", "126", "23", "29"),
#       "any", "col", c("blue", "red")) %>% plot
# dend %>%
#       branches_attr_by_labels(c("123", "126", "23", "29"),
#       "any", "lwd", c(4,1)) %>% plot
# dend %>%
#       branches_attr_by_labels(c("123", "126", "23", "29"),
#        "any", "lty", c(2,1)) %>% plot
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab