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dendextend (version 1.3.0)

rotate_DendSer: Rotates dend based on DendSer


Rotates a dendrogram based on its seriation

The function tries to turn the dend into hclust using DendSer.dendrogram (based on DendSer)

Also, if a distance matrix is missing, it will try to use the cophenetic distance.


rotate_DendSer(dend, ser_weight, ...)


An object of class dendrogram
Used by cost function to evaluate ordering. For cost=costLS, this is a vector of object weights. Otherwise is a dist or symmetric matrix. passed to DendSer.dendrogram and from there to DendSer.

If it is missing, the cophenetic distance is used instead.

parameters passed to DendSer


Numeric vector giving an optimal dendrogram order

See Also

DendSer, DendSer.dendrogram , untangle_DendSer, rotate_DendSer


Run this code
## Not run: 
# library(DendSer) # already used from within the function
# dend <- USArrests[1:4,] %>% dist %>% hclust("ave") %>% as.dendrogram
# DendSer.dendrogram(dend)
# tanglegram(dend, rotate_DendSer(dend))
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab