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dendextend (version 1.3.0)

untangle: untangle dendrograms


One untangle function to rule them all.

This function untangles dendrogram lists (dendlist), Using various heuristics.


untangle(dend1, ...)
"untangle"(dend1, dend2 , method = c("labels", "ladderize", "random", "step1side", "step2side", "DendSer"), ...)
"untangle"(dend1, method = c("labels", "ladderize", "random", "step1side", "step2side", "DendSer"), which = c(1L,2L), ...)


a dednrogram or a dendlist object
passed to the releavnt untangle function
A second dednrogram (to untangle against)
an integer vector of length 2, indicating which of the trees in the dendlist object should be plotted
a character indicating the type of untangle heuristic to use.


A dendlist, with two trees after they have been untangled.If the dendlist was originally larger than 2, it will return the original dendlist but with the relevant trees properly rotate.


This function wraps all of the untagnle functions, in order to make it easier to find our about (and use) them.

See Also

tanglegram, untangle_random_search, untangle_step_rotate_1side, untangle_step_rotate_2side, untangle_DendSer, entanglement


Run this code
## Not run: 
# set.seed(23235)
# ss <- sample(1:150, 10 )
# dend1 <- iris[ss,-5] %>% dist %>% hclust("com") %>% as.dendrogram
# dend2 <- iris[ss,-5] %>% dist %>% hclust("sin") %>% as.dendrogram
# dend12 <- dendlist(dend1, dend2)
# dend12 %>% tanglegram
# untangle(dend1, dend2, method="random", R = 5) %>% tanglegram
# # it works, and we get something different:
# set.seed(1234)
# dend12 %>% untangle(method="random", R = 5) %>% tanglegram
# set.seed(1234)
# # fixes it completely:
# dend12 %>% untangle(method="random", R = 5) %>% untangle(method="step1") %>% tanglegram
# # not good enough
# dend12 %>% untangle(method="step1") %>% tanglegram
# # not good enough
# dend12 %>% untangle(method="step2") %>% tanglegram
# # How we might wish to use it:
# set.seed(12777)
# dend12 %>% 
#    untangle(method="random", R = 1) %>%
#    untangle(method="step2") %>% 
#    tanglegram
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab