DendSer.dendrogram: Tries to run DendSer on a dendrogram
Implements dendrogram seriation.
The function tries to turn the dend into hclust, on
which it runs DendSer.
Also, if a distance matrix is missing, it will try
to use the cophenetic distance.
DendSer.dendrogram(dend, ser_weight, ...)
An object of class dendrogram
Used by cost function to evaluate
ordering. For cost=costLS, this is a vector of
object weights. Otherwise is a dist or symmetric matrix.
passed to DendSer.
If it is missing, the cophenetic distance is used instead.
## Not run: # library(DendSer) # already used from within the function# hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests[1:4,]), "ave")# dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)# DendSer.dendrogram(dend)# ## End(Not run)