## Not run:
# ### Getting the hc object
# iris_dist <- iris[,-5] %>% dist
# hc <- iris_dist %>% hclust
# # This is how it looks without any colors:
# dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
# plot(dend)
# # Both functions give the same outcome
# # options 1:
# dend %>% set("branches_k_color", k = 4) %>% plot
# # options 2:
# clusters <- cutree(dend, 4)[order.dendrogram(dend)]
# dend %>% branches_attr_by_clusters(clusters) %>% plot
# # and the second option is much slower:
# system.time(set(dend, "branches_k_color", k = 4)) # 0.26 sec
# system.time(branches_attr_by_clusters(dend, clusters)) # 1.61 sec
# # BUT, it also allows us to do more flaxible things!
# #--------------------------
# # Plotting dynamicTreeCut
# #--------------------------
# # let's get the clusters
# library(dynamicTreeCut)
# clusters <- cutreeDynamic(hc, distM = as.matrix(iris_dist))
# # we need to sort them to the order of the dendrogram:
# clusters <- clusters[order.dendrogram(dend)]
# # get some functions:
# library(dendextendRcpp)
# library(colorspace)
# no0_unique <- function(x) {
# u_x <- unique(x)
# u_x[u_x != 0]
# }
# clusters_numbers <- no0_unique(clusters)
# n_clusters <- length(clusters_numbers)
# cols <- rainbow_hcl(n_clusters)
# dend2 <- branches_attr_by_clusters(dend, clusters, values = cols)
# # dend2 <- branches_attr_by_clusters(dend, clusters)
# plot(dend2)
# # add colored bars:
# ord_cols <- rainbow_hcl(n_clusters)[order(clusters_numbers)]
# tmp_cols <- rep(1, length(clusters))
# tmp_cols[clusters != 0] <- ord_cols[clusters != 0][clusters]
# colored_bars(tmp_cols, y_shift = -1.1, rowLabels = "")
# # all of the ordering is to handle the fact that the cluster numbers are not ascending...
# # How is this compared with the usual cutree?
# dend3 <- color_branches(dend, k = n_clusters)
# labels(dend2) <- as.character(labels(dend2))
# # this needs fixing, since the labels are not character!
# # Well, both cluster solutions are not perfect, but at least they are interesting...
# tanglegram(dend2, dend3,
# main_left = "cutreeDynamic", main_right = "cutree",
# columns_width = c(5,.5,5),
# color_lines = cols[iris[order.dendrogram(dend2),5]])
# # (Notice how the color_lines is of the true Species of each Iris)
# # The main difference is at the bottom,
# ## End(Not run)
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