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convertEDT: Conversion between truncated and unlimited effective detection distance (EDR)


Conversion between truncated and unlimited effective detection distance (EDR).


convertEDR(edr, r, truncated=FALSE)


A numeric vector with converted EDR values.



effective detection distance. In same units as r.


truncation distance (radius of point count). In same units as edr.


logical, see Details.


Peter Solymos


truncated = FALSE means that edr is unlimited EDR, and the function returns the truncated EDR given r.

truncated = TRUE means that edr is truncated EDR given r, and the function returns the unlimited EDR.


Matsuoka, S. M., Bayne, E. M., Solymos, P., Fontaine, P., Cumming, S. G., Schmiegelow, F. K. A., & Song, S. A., 2012. Using binomial distance-sampling models to estimate the effective detection radius of point-counts surveys across boreal Canada. Auk, 129, 268--282. <doi:10.1525/auk.2012.11190>

Solymos, P., Matsuoka, S. M., Bayne, E. M., Lele, S. R., Fontaine, P., Cumming, S. G., Stralberg, D., Schmiegelow, F. K. A. & Song, S. J., 2013. Calibrating indices of avian density from non-standardized survey data: making the most of a messy situation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 1047--1058. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12106>

Supporting info, including a tutorial for the above paper: https://github.com/psolymos/QPAD/tree/master/inst/doc/v2


Run this code
convertEDR(1, 0.5, truncated=FALSE)
## should be close to 1
convertEDR(convertEDR(1, 0.5, truncated=FALSE), 0.5, truncated=TRUE)

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