a panel data of 48 American States for 17 years, from 1970 to 1986
a tibble containing:
state: the state
year: the year
region: one of the 9 regions of the United States
president: the name of the president for the given year
publiccap: public capital stock
highway: highway and streets
water: water and sewer facilities
utilities: othe public building and structures
privatecap: private capital stock
gsp: gross state product
labor: labor input measured by the employment in non--agricultural payrolls
unemp: state unemployment rate
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 48 rows and 36 columns.
BALT:01dfidx BALT:13dfidx BALT:PINN:95dfidx MUNN:90dfidx