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dformula (version 1.0)

add: Add variables


Add new variables by mutating the input variables using a formula.


add(from, formula, as = NULL,
    position = c("right", "left"),
    na.remove = FALSE, logic_convert = TRUE,...)


Returns a data.frame object with the original and the new varaibles.



a data.frame object with variables


a formula indicating the operation to create new varibles. Look at the detail section for explanantion.


a character vector with names of new variables.


if the new varaibles are positioned at the begining (right) or at the left (left) of the data in input.


a logical value indicating whether NA values should be removed.


logical value indicating if the new logical varaible are convertet to 0 or 1


further arguments


Alessio Serafini


The formula is composed of two part:

~ new_variables

the right-hand are the new varaible to add starting from the existing varaibles, using the I() function.

For example:

~ I(log(column_names1)) + I(column_names2/100)

the column_names1 and log(column_names1) are added to the data.

If na.remove is set ti TRUE, new variables are created, added to the dataset in input and then the observation with missing are removed.


Run this code

dt <- airquality

head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ log(Ozone)))
head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ log(Ozone) +  log(Wind)))
head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ log(Ozone), as = "Ozone_1"))

head(add(from = dt, formula =  Ozone + Wind ~ log()))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  ~ log()))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  .~ log(), position = "left"))

head(add(from = dt, formula =  .~ log(), na.remove = TRUE))

head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ I((Ozone>5))))
head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ I((Ozone>5)), logic_convert = FALSE ))

head(add(from = dt, formula = Ozone + Wind ~ C(Ozone-Ozone)))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  ~ C(log(Ozone))))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  ~ C(5)))
head(add(from = dt, formula = Ozone + Wind ~ C(Ozone-Ozone)))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  Ozone + Wind ~ C(log(Ozone))))

foo <- function(x, a = 100){return(x-x + a)}

head(add(from = dt, formula =  Ozone + Month~ I(foo(a = 100))))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  Ozone + Month~ foo()))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  ~ I(foo(Ozone, a = 100))))

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