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dimensio (version 0.12.0)

get_contributions: Get Contributions


Get Contributions


get_contributions(x, ...)

get_correlations(x, ...)

get_cos2(x, ...)

# S4 method for MultivariateAnalysis get_contributions(x, margin = 1)

# S4 method for PCA get_correlations(x, sup_name = ".sup")

# S4 method for MultivariateAnalysis get_cos2(x, margin = 1, sup_name = ".sup")


  • get_contributions() returns a data.frame of contributions to the definition of the principal dimensions.

  • get_correlations() returns a data.frame of correlations between variables and dimensions. An extra column (named after sup_name) is added specifying whether an observation is a supplementary point or not.

  • get_cos2() returns a data.frame of \(cos^2\) values (i.e. quality of the representation of the points on the factor map). An extra column (named after sup_name) is added specifying whether an observation is a supplementary point or not.



An object from which to get element(s) (a CA, MCA or PCA object).


Currently not used.


A length-one numeric vector giving the subscript which the data will be returned: 1 indicates individuals/rows (the default), 2 indicates variables/columns.


A character string specifying the name of the column to create for supplementary points attribution (see below).


N. Frerebeau

See Also

Other getters: export(), get_coordinates(), get_data(), get_eigenvalues()