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MCMCglmm.utilities: MCMCglmm object utility functions


Different utility functions to extract aspects of a MCMCglmm object.



MCMCglmm.levels(MCMCglmm, convert)

MCMCglmm.sample(MCMCglmm, n)

MCMCglmm.covars(MCMCglmm, n, sample)



A MCMCglmm object.


Logical, whether to return the raw term names names as expressed in the model column names (FALSE) or to convert it to something more reader friendly (TRUE; default).


Optional, a number of random samples to extract.


Optional, the specific samples to extract (is ignored if n is present).


Thomas Guillerme


  • MCMCglmm.levels returns the different random and residual terms levels of a MCMCglmm object. This function uses the default option convert = TRUE to convert the names into something more readable. Toggle to convert = FALSE for the raw names.

  • MCMCglmm.traits returns the column names of the different traits of a MCMCglmm formula object.

  • MCMCglmm.sample returns a vector of sample IDs present in the MCMCglmm object. If n is missing, all the samples IDs are returned. Else, a random series of sample IDs are returned (with replacement if n greater than the number of available samples).

  • MCMCglmm.covars returns a list of covariance matrices and intercepts from a MCMCglmm object (respectively from MCMCglmm$VCV and MCMCglmm$Sol). By default, all the covariance matrices and intercepts are returned but you can use either of the arguments sample to return specific samples (e.g. MCMCglmm.covars(data, sample = c(1, 42)) for returning the first and 42nd samples) or n to return a specific number of random samples (e.g. MCMCglmm.covars(data, n = 42) for returning 42 random samples).

See Also



Run this code
## Loading the charadriiformes model
model <- charadriiformes$posteriors
class(model) # is MCMCglmm

## Get the list of levels from the model
## The raw levels names (as they appear in the MCMCglmm object)
MCMCglmm.levels(model, convert = FALSE)

## Get the traits names from the model

## Get all the available samples in the model
## Get 5 random sample IDs from the model
MCMCglmm.sample(model, n = 5)

## Get one specific samples from the model
MCMCglmm.covars(model, sample = 42)
## Get two random samples from the model
MCMCglmm.covars(model, n = 2)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab