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dispRity (version 1.7.0)

get.subsets: Extracts or modify subsets from a dispRity object.


Extracting or modify some subsets' data and information from a dispRity object.




get.subsets(data, subsets)

combine.subsets(data, subsets)



A dispRity object.


Either a vector of the number or name of the subsets to merge or a single. But see details for combine.subsets.


Thomas Guillerme


For the function combine.subsets, the argument subsets can ALSO be a numeric value of the minimum of elements for each series. If subset is a vector, the subsets are merged in the given input order. c(1, 3, 4) will merge subsets 1 and 3 into 4, while the opposite, c(3, 4, 1) will merge subsets 3 and 4 into 1. When a single numeric value is given, subsets are merged with the next subset until the correct number of elements for each subset is reached (apart from the last subset that gets merged with the previous one).

See Also

dispRity, get.disparity.


Run this code
## Load the disparity data based on Beck & Lee 2014

## How many subsets are in disparity?

## What are the number of elements per subsets?

## Get one subset
get.subsets(disparity, "60")

## Get two subsets
get.subsets(disparity, c(1,5))

## Generate subsets from a dummy matrix
dummy_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(120), 40, dimnames = list(c(1:40)))
dummy_subsets <- custom.subsets(dummy_matrix,
     group = list("a" = c(1:5), "b" = c(6:10), "c" = c(11:20),
                  "d" = c(21:24), "e" = c(25:30), "f" = c(31:40)))

## Merging the two first subsets
combine.subsets(dummy_subsets, c(1,2))

## Merging the three subsets by name
combine.subsets(dummy_subsets, c("d", "c", "e"))

## Merging the subsets to contain at least 20 taxa
combine.subsets(dummy_subsets, 10)

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