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dispRity (version 1.7.0)

remove.zero.brlen: Remove zero branch length


Remove zero branch lengths on trees by sliding nodes randomly in a postorder traversal based on slide.nodes.


remove.zero.brlen(tree, slide, verbose = FALSE)


A "phylo" object with a postorder edge table and no zero branch lengths.



A "phylo" object with edge lengths


An optional sliding numeric values. If left empty, 1% of the shortest branch length is used.


A logical value indicating whether to be verbose or not.


Thomas Guillerme


The sliding value will be used to slide the nodes up and down to remove zero branch lengths by minimising the amount of branch changes. The algorithm slides the nodes up and down (when possible) on each node in a recursive way while there is still zero branch lengths. If two recursions produce the same series of zero branches (e.g. by sliding node A towards node B equally so that the distance A:B becomes 0), the sliding value is divided by two until the next slide.

See Also



Run this code
## Generating a tree
tree <- rtree(20)
## Adding some zero branch lengths (5)
tree$edge.length[sample(1:Nedge(tree), 5)] <- 0
any(tree$edge.length == 0) # TRUE

## And now removing these zero branch lengths!
tree_no_zero <- remove.zero.brlen(tree)
any(tree_no_zero$edge.length == 0) # FALSE

## Exaggerating the removal (to make it visible)
tree_exaggerated <- remove.zero.brlen(tree, slide = 1)

## Plot the differences
par(mfrow = c(3,1))
plot(tree, main = "zero branch length")
plot(tree_no_zero, main = "no zero branch length")
plot(tree_exaggerated, main = "exaggerated slidding")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab