- x
object of class "ANY"
(stats-method) or
of code "UnivariateDistribution"
; to be compared to y
- y
object of class "ANY"
(stats-method) or
of class "UnivariateDistribution"
- n
numeric; number of quantiles at which to do the comparison.
- withIdLine
logical; shall line y = x
be plotted in?
- withConf
logical; shall confidence lines be plotted?
- withConf.pw
logical; shall pointwise confidence lines be plotted?
- withConf.sim
logical; shall simultaneous confidence lines be plotted?
- plot.it
logical; shall be plotted at all (inherited from qqplot
- xlab
- ylab
- ...
further parameters for function plot
- width
width (in inches) of the graphics device opened
- height
height (in inches) of the graphics device opened
- withSweave
logical: if TRUE
(for working with Sweave
no extra device is opened and height/width are not set
- mfColRow
shall default partition in panels be used --- defaults to TRUE
- n.CI
numeric; number of points to be used for confidence interval
- col.IdL
color for the identity line
- lty.IdL
line type for the identity line
- lwd.IdL
line width for the identity line
- alpha.CI
confidence level
- exact.pCI
logical; shall pointwise CIs be determined with exact Binomial distribution?
- exact.sCI
logical; shall simultaneous CIs be determined with exact kolmogorov distribution?
- nosym.pCI
logical; shall we use (shortest) asymmetric CIs?
- col.pCI
color for the pointwise CI
- lty.pCI
line type for the pointwise CI
- lwd.pCI
line width for the pointwise CI
- pch.pCI
symbol for points (for discrete mass points) in pointwise CI
- cex.pCI
magnification factor for points (for discrete mass points) in pointwise CI
- col.sCI
color for the simultaneous CI
- lty.sCI
line type for the simultaneous CI
- lwd.sCI
line width for the simultaneous CI
- pch.sCI
symbol for points (for discrete mass points) in simultaneous CI
- cex.sCI
magnification factor for points (for discrete mass points) in simultaneous CI
- cex.pch
magnification factor for the plotted symbols
- col.pch
color for the plotted symbols
- jit.fac
jittering factor used for discrete distributions
- check.NotInSupport
logical; shall we check if all x
-quantiles lie in support(y)
- col.NotInSupport
logical; if preceding check TRUE
color of x
-quantiles if not in support(y)
- with.legend
logical; shall a legend be plotted?
- legend.bg
background color for the legend
- legend.pos
position for the legend
- legend.cex
magnification factor for the legend
- legend.pref
character to be prepended to legend text
- legend.postf
character to be appended to legend text
- legend.alpha
nominal coverage probability
- debug
logical; if TRUE
additional output to debug confidence bounds.
- withSubst
logical; if TRUE
(default) pattern substitution for
titles and lables is used; otherwise no substitution is used.