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distr (version 2.9.7)

LatticeDistribution: Class "LatticeDistribution"


The LatticeDistribution-class is the mother-class of the classes Binom, Dirac, Geom, Hyper, Nbinom and Poisson. It formalizes a distribution on a regular affine linear lattice.


LatticeDistribution(lattice = NULL, supp = NULL, prob = NULL,
                       .withArith = FALSE, .withSim = FALSE,
                       DiscreteDistribution = NULL, check = TRUE,
                       Symmetry = NoSymmetry())

Objects from the Class

The usual way to generate objects of class LatticeDistribution is to call the generating function LatticeDistribution() (see details).
Somewhat more flexible, but also proner to inconsistencies is a call to new("LatticeDistribution"), where you may explicitly specify random number generator, (counting) density, cumulative distribution and quantile functions. For conveniance, in this call to new("LatticeDistribution"), an additional possibility is to only specify the random number generator. The function RtoDPQ.d then approximates the three remaining slots d, p and q by random sampling.



an object of class DiscreteDistribution or AffLinDiscreteDistribution to be coerced to LatticeDistribution or AffLinLatticeDistribution, respectively


lattice (of class Lattice) which determines the support of the discrete distribution.


numeric vector which forms the support of the discrete distribution.


vector of probability weights for the elements of supp.


normally not set by the user, but if determining the entries supp, prob distributional arithmetics was involved, you may set this to TRUE.


normally not set by the user, but if determining the entries supp, prob simulations were involved, you may set this to TRUE.


logical: if TRUE, LatticeDistribution() throws an error if argument lattice and other arguments are inconsistent or if there is no way to automatically generate a lattice argument. If check == FALSE, LatticeDistribution() returns an object of DiscreteDistribution, ignoring argument lattice


you may help R in calculations if you tell it whether the distribution is non-symmetric (default) or symmetric with respect to a center; in this case use Symmetry=SphericalSymmetry(center).


Peter Ruckdeschel peter.ruckdeschel@uni-oldenburg.de


Typical usages are

  LatticeDistribution(lattice, DiscreteDistribution)
  LatticeDistribution(lattice, supp, prob, .withArith, .withSim, check = FALSE)
  LatticeDistribution(lattice, supp, prob)

For the generating function LatticeDistribution(), the arguments are processed in the following order:
Arguments .withSim and .withArith are used in any case.
If there is an argument DiscreteDistribution (of the respective class), all its slots (except for .withSim and .withArith) will be used for filling the slots of the object of class LatticeDistribution()/AffLinLatticeDistribution(). If in addition, there is an argument lattice of class Lattice, it will be checked for consistency with argument DiscreteDistribution and if oK will be used for slot lattice of the object of class LatticeDistribution()/AffLinLatticeDistribution(). In case there is no lattice argument, slot lattice will be constructed from slot support from argument DiscreteDistribution.
If there is no argument DiscreteDistribution, but there are arguments supp and lattice (the latter of class Lattice) then these are checked for consistency and if oK, generating function DiscreteDistribution() is called with arguments supp, prob, .withArith, and .withSim to produce an object of class DiscreteDistribution the slots of which will be used for the filling the slots of the object of class LatticeDistribution()/AffLinLatticeDistribution(). If in this case, argument prob is not given explicitely, all elements in supp are equally weighted.
If there is no argument DiscreteDistribution, but there is an argument lattice of class Lattice (but no argument slot) then if Length(lattice) is finite, a corresponding support vector supp is generated from argument lattice and generating function DiscreteDistribution() is called with arguments supp, prob, .withArith, and .withSim to produce an object of class DiscreteDistribution the slots of which will be used for the filling the slots of the object of class LatticeDistribution(). If in the same situation Length(lattice) is not finite, a finite length for the support vector is extracted from argument prob and after generating supp one procedes as in the finite Length(lattice) case.
If there is no argument DiscreteDistribution and no argument lattice of class Lattice but an argument supp then it will be checked if supp makes for a lattice, and if so, DiscreteDistribution() is called with arguments supp, prob, .withArith, and .withSim to produce an object of class DiscreteDistribution the slots of which will be used for the filling the slots of the object of class LatticeDistribution(). The corresponding lattice-slot will be filled with information from argument supp.
The price for this flexibility of arguments, LatticeDistribution() may be called with, is that you should call LatticeDistribution() with named arguments only.
Note that internally we suppress lattice points from the support where the probability is 0.

See Also

Parameter-class Lattice-class LatticeDistribution-class Reals-class RtoDPQ.d


Run this code
  LatticeDistribution(DiscreteDistribution = DiscreteDistribution(supp =
                       c(4,3,2), prob=c(0.3,0.1,0.6)))
  LatticeDistribution(supp = c(4,3,2))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab