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distr (version 2.9.7)

decomposePM-methods: Methods for function decomposePM in Package `distr'






the positive and negative part of the distribution together with corresponding weights as a list.



Abscont-/Discrete-/UnivarLebDec-Distribution object


There are particular return types for the following classes


a list with components "neg" and "pos" for the respective negative and positive part; each of these parts in its turn is a list with components D for the distribution (in this case of class "AbscontDistribution" again) and w for the weight of the respective part; if the weight of the negative part is 0, the corresponding distribution is set to -abs(Norm()), and respectively, if the weight of the positive part is 0, the corresponding distribution is set to abs(Norm()).


a list with components "neg", "pos" and "0" for the respective negative, positive and zero part; each of these parts in its turn is a list with components D for the distribution (in this case of class "DiscreteDistribution" again) and w for the weight of the respective part; while the distribution of the zero part is always Dirac(0), if the weight of the negative part is 0, the corresponding distribution is set to Dirac(-1), and respectively, if the weight of the positive part is 0, the corresponding distribution is set to Dirac(1).


a list with components "neg", "pos" and "0" for the respective negative, positive and zero part; each of these parts in its turn is a list with components D for the distribution (in case of components "neg", "pos" of class "UnivarLebDecDistribution" again, while the distribution of the zero part is always Dirac(0)) and w for the weight of the respective part; it is build up by calling decomposePM for acPart(object) and discretePart(object) separately, hence if weights of some parts are zero the corresponding procedure mentionned for these methods applies.

Method decomposePM is used by our multiplication, division and exponentiation ("*", "/" "^") - methods.

See Also

AbscontDistribution-class, DiscreteDistribution-class, UnivarLebDecDistribution-class, operators-methods


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            acWeight = 0.3))

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