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distr (version 2.9.7)

plot-methods: Methods for Function plot in Package `distr'




plot(x, y, ...)
# S4 method for AbscontDistribution,missing
plot(x, width = 10, height = 5.5,
     withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"), xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
     ngrid = 1000, verticals = TRUE, do.points = TRUE, main = FALSE,
     inner = TRUE, sub = FALSE, bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3], ...,
     cex.main = par("cex.main"), cex.inner = 1.2, cex.sub = par("cex.sub"), 
     col.points = par("col"), col.vert = par("col"), col.main = par("col.main"),  
     col.inner = par("col.main"), col.sub = par("col.sub"), cex.points = 2.0, 
     pch.u = 21, pch.a = 16, mfColRow = TRUE,
     to.draw.arg = NULL, withSubst = TRUE)
# S4 method for DiscreteDistribution,missing
plot(x, width = 10, height = 5.5,
     withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"), xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
     verticals = TRUE, do.points = TRUE, main = FALSE, inner = TRUE, sub = FALSE,
     bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3], ..., 
     cex.main = par("cex.main"), cex.inner = 1.2, cex.sub = par("cex.sub"), 
     col.points = par("col"), col.hor = par("col"), col.vert = par("col"), 
     col.main = par("col.main"), col.inner = par("col.main"), 
     col.sub = par("col.sub"),  cex.points = 2.0, pch.u = 21, pch.a = 16,
     mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL, withSubst = TRUE)
# S4 method for AffLinUnivarLebDecDistribution,missing
plot(x, width = 10, 
     height = 5.5, withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"), xlim = NULL,
     ylim = NULL, ngrid = 1000, verticals = TRUE, do.points = TRUE, main = FALSE,
     inner = TRUE, sub = FALSE, bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3], ...,
     cex.main = par("cex.main"), cex.inner = 1.2, cex.sub = par("cex.sub"),
     col.points = par("col"), col.hor = par("col"), col.vert = par("col"),
     col.main = par("col.main"), col.inner = par("col.main"),
     col.sub = par("col.sub"),  cex.points = 2.0, pch.u = 21, pch.a = 16,
     mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL, withSubst = TRUE)
# S4 method for UnivarLebDecDistribution,missing
plot(x, width = 10, 
     height = 14.5, withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"), xlim = NULL,
     ylim = NULL, ngrid = 1000, verticals = TRUE, do.points = TRUE, main = FALSE,
     inner = TRUE, sub = FALSE, bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3], ...,
     cex.main = par("cex.main"), cex.inner = 0.9, cex.sub = par("cex.sub"),
     col.points = par("col"), col.hor = par("col"), col.vert = par("col"),
     col.main = par("col.main"), col.inner = par("col.main"),
     col.sub = par("col.sub"),  cex.points = 2.0, pch.u = 21, pch.a = 16,
     mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL, withSubst = TRUE)
# S4 method for DistrList,missing
plot(x, y, ...)
# S4 method for CompoundDistribution,missing
plot(x, y, ...)


An S3 object of class c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo"), i.e., a list containing the information needed to produce the respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different graphic engines (like, e.g. ggplot) to produce the plot in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in a subsequent version.



object of class "AffLinUnivarLebDecDistribution" or class "UnivarLebDecDistribution" or class "AbscontDistribution" or class "DiscreteDistribution" or class "DistrList": (list of) distribution(s) to be plotted




the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot. Note that x1 > x2 is allowed and leads to a "reversed axis". As in plot.default.


the y limits of the plot. Either as in plot.default (i.e. a vector of length 2) or a vector of length 4, where the first two elements are the values for ylim in panel "d", and the last two elements are the values for ylim resp. xlim in panels "p", and "q".


width (in inches) of the graphics device opened


height (in inches) of the graphics device opened


logical: if TRUE (for working with Sweave) no extra device is opened and height/width are not set


integer: number of grid points used for plots of absolutely continuous distributions


logical: is a main title to be used? or
just as argument main in plot.default.


logical: do panels for density/probability function - cdf - quantile function have their own titles? or
list which is filled to length 3 (resp. 8 for class UnivarLebDecDistribution) if necessary (possibly using recycling rules): titles for density/probability function - cdf - quantile function (each of the same form as argument main in plot.default)


logical: is a sub-title to be used? or
just as argument sub in plot.default.


top margin -- useful for non-standard main title sizes


bottom margin -- useful for non-standard sub title sizes


logical: if TRUE, draw vertical lines at steps; as in plot.stepfun


logical: if TRUE, draw also draw points at the (xlim restricted) knot locations; as in plot.stepfun


numeric; character expansion factor; as in plot.stepfun


character or integer code; color of points; as in plot.stepfun


character or integer code; color of horizontal lines; as in plot.stepfun


character or integer code; color of vertical lines; as in plot.stepfun


magnification to be used for main titles relative to the current setting of cex; as in par


magnification to be used for inner titles relative to the current setting of cex; as in par


magnification to be used for sub titles relative to the current setting of cex; as in par


character or integer code; color for the main title


character or integer code; color for the inner title


character or integer code; color for the sub title


character or integer code; plotting characters or symbols for unattained value; see points


character or integer code; plotting characters or symbols for attained value; see points


shall default partition in panels be used --- defaults to TRUE


Either NULL (default; everything is plotted) or a vector of either integers (the indices of the subplots to be drawn) or characters --- the names of the subplots to be drawn: in case of an object x of class "DiscreteDistribution" or "AbscontDistribution" c("d","p","q") for density, c.d.f. and quantile function; in case of x a proper "UnivarLebDecDistribution" (with pos. weights for both discrete and abs. continuous part) names are c("p","q","d.c","p.c","q.c","d.d","p.d","q.d")) for c.d.f. and quantile function of the composed distribution and the respective three panels for the absolutely continuous and the discrete part, respectively;


logical; if TRUE (default) pattern substitution for titles and lables is used; otherwise no substitution is used.


addtional arguments for plot --- see plot, plot.default, plot.stepfun



signature(x = "AffLinUnivarLebDecDistribution", y = "missing"): plots cumulative distribution function and the quantile function


signature(x = "UnivarLebDecDistribution", y = "missing"): plots a set of eight plots: in the first row, it plots the cumulative distribution function and the quantile function; in the second row the absolutely continuous part (with density, cdf and quantile fct.), and in the last row the discrete part (with prob.fct., cdf and quantile fct.).


signature(x = "CompoundDistribution", y = "missing"): coerces x to "UnivarLebDecDistribution" and uses the corresponding method.


signature(x = "AbscontDistribution", y = "missing"): plots density, cumulative distribution function and the quantile function


signature(x = "DiscreteDistribution", y = "missing"): plots probability function, cumulative distribution function and the quantile function


signature(x = "DistrList", y = "missing"): plots a list of distributions

Any parameters of plot.default may be passed on to this particular plot method.

For main-, inner, and subtitles given as arguments main, inner, and sub, top and bottom margins are enlarged to 5 resp. 6 by default but may also be specified by tmar / bmar arguments. If main / inner / sub are logical then if the respective argument is FALSE nothing is done/plotted, but if it is TRUE, we use a default main title taking up the calling argument x in case of main, default inner titles taking up the class and (named) parameter slots of argument x in case of inner, and a "generated on <data>"-tag in case of sub. Of course, if main / inner / sub are character, this is used for the title; in case of inner it is then checked whether it has length 3. In all title and axis label arguments, if withSubst is TRUE, the following patterns are substituted:


class of argument x


parameters of x in form of a comma-separated list of <value>'s coerced to character


parameters of x in form of a comma-separated list of <value>'s coerced to character and in parenthesis --- unless empty; then ""


parameters of x in form of a comma-separated list <name> = <value> coerced to character


deparsed argument x


time/date-string when the plot was generated

If not explicitly set, col.points, col.vert, col.hor, col.main, col.inner, col.sub are set to col if this arg is given and else to par("col") resp. for the titles par("col.main"), par("col.main"), par("col.sub").

If not explicitly set, pch.a, pch.u are set to pch if this arg is given and else to 16, 21, respectively.

If not explicitly set, cex is set to 1. If not explicitly set, cex.points is set to $2.0 cex$ (if cex is given) and to 2.0 else.

If general plot arguments xlab, ylab are not specified, they are set to "x", "q", "p" for xlab and to "d(x)", "p(q)", "q(p)" for ylab for density, cdf and quantile function respectively. Otherwise, according to the respective content of to.draw.arg, it is supposed to be a list with one entry for each selected panel, i.e., in case x is an object of class DiscreteDistribution or AbscontDistribution a list of maximal length maximally 3, respectively, in case x is an object of class UnivarLebDecDistribution In these label arguments, the same pattern substitutions are made as for titles. If no character substitutions and mathematical expressions are needed, character vectors of respective length instead of lists are also allowed for arguments xlab, ylab.

In addition, argument ... may contain arguments panel.first, panel.last, i.e., hook expressions to be evaluated at the very beginning and at the very end of each panel (within the then valid coordinates). To be able to use these hooks for each panel individually, they may also be lists of expressions (of the same length as the number of panels and run through in the same order as the panels).

See Also


Run this code
plot(Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3))
plot(Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3), do.points = FALSE)
plot(Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3), verticals = FALSE)
plot(Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3), main = TRUE)
plot(Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3), main = FALSE)
plot(Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3), cex.points = 1.2, pch = 20)
plot(Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3), xlab = list("a1","a2", "a3"),
B <- Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3)
plot(B, col = "red", col.points = "green", main = TRUE, col.main = "blue", 
     col.sub = "orange", sub = TRUE, cex.sub = 0.6, col.inner = "brown")
plot(Nbinom(size = 4,prob = 0.3), cex.points = 1.2, col = "red", 
     col.points = "green")
plot(Nbinom(size = 4,prob = 0.3), cex.points = 1.2, pch.u = 20, pch.a = 10)
plot(Norm(), main = TRUE, cex.main = 3, tmar = 6)
plot(Norm(), inner = FALSE, main = TRUE, cex.main = 3, tmar = 6)
plot(Norm(), lwd = 3, col = "red", ngrid = 200, lty = 3, las = 2)
plot(Norm(), main = "my Distribution: %A", 
     inner = list(expression(paste(lambda,"-density of %C(%P)")), "CDF",
                  "Pseudo-inverse with param's %N"), 
     sub = "this plot was correctly generated on %D", 
     cex.inner = 0.9, cex.sub = 0.8)

## does not (yet) work as desired:
li <- list(substitute(grid(5,5)),substitute(grid(3,3)),substitute(grid(4,4)))

plot(Cauchy(), xlim = c(-4,4))
### the next ylab argument is just for illustration purposes
plot(Chisq(),mfColRow = FALSE,to.draw.arg="d",
     xlab="x",ylab=list(expression(paste(lambda,"-density of %C(%P)"))))
## substitution can be switched off
plot(Chisq(),mfColRow = FALSE,to.draw.arg="d",
     xlab="x",ylab=list(expression(paste(lambda,"-density of %C(%P)"))), withSubst=FALSE)
plot(Chisq(), log = "xy", ngrid = 100)
Ch <- Chisq(); setgaps(Ch); plot(Ch, do.points = FALSE)
setgaps(Ch, exactq = 3); plot(Ch, verticals = FALSE)
plot(Ch, cex = 1.2, pch.u = 20, pch.a = 10, col.points = "green", 
     col.vert = "red")

if (FALSE)  # to save time 
## some distribution with gaps
wg <- flat.mix(UnivarMixingDistribution(Unif(0,1),Unif(4,5), 
# some Lebesgue decomposed distribution 
mymix <- UnivarLebDecDistribution(acPart = wg, discretePart = Binom(4,.4),
         acWeight = 0.4)
## selection of subpanels for plotting
N <- Norm()
plot(N, mfColRow = FALSE, to.draw.arg=c("d","q"))
plot(N, mfColRow = FALSE, to.draw.arg=c(2,3))

wg <- flat.mix(UnivarMixingDistribution(Unif(0,1),Unif(4,5),
myLC <- UnivarLebDecDistribution(discretePart=Binom(3,.3), acPart = wg,
              nrow=3, byrow=TRUE))
plot(myLC,mfColRow = FALSE,
     to.draw.arg=c("p","d.c","p.c","q.c", "p.d","q.d"))

P <- Pois(2)
plot(as(P,"UnivarLebDecDistribution"),mfColRow = FALSE,to.draw.arg=c("d.d"))
### the next ylab argument is just for illustration purposes
plot(as(P,"UnivarLebDecDistribution"),mfColRow = FALSE,to.draw.arg=c("d.d"),
     xlab="x",ylab=list(expression(paste(lambda,"-density of %C(%P)"))))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab