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distr6 (version 1.5.2)

pdf: Probability Density Function


See Distribution$pdf


pdf(object, ..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL)



(numeric()) Points to evaluate the probability density function of the distribution. Arguments do not need to be named. The length of each argument corresponds to the number of points to evaluate, the number of arguments corresponds to the number of variables in the distribution. See examples.


logical(1) If TRUE returns log-pdf. Default is FALSE.


logical(1) If TRUE (default) simplifies the pdf if possible to a numeric, otherwise returns a data.table::data.table.


array Alternative method to specify points to evaluate. If univariate then rows correspond with number of points to evaluate and columns correspond with number of variables to evaluate. In the special case of VectorDistributions of multivariate distributions, then the third dimension corresponds to the distribution in the vector to evaluate.


Pdf evaluated at given points as either a numeric if simplify is TRUE or as a data.table::data.table.