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distr6 (version 1.6.4)

distr6-package: distr6: Object Oriented Distributions in R


distr6 is an object oriented (OO) interface, primarily used for interacting with probability distributions in R. Additionally distr6 includes functionality for composite distributions, a symbolic representation for mathematical sets and intervals, basic methods for common kernels and numeric methods for distribution analysis. distr6 is the official R6 upgrade to the distr family of packages.



The main features of distr6 are:

  • Currently implements 45 probability distributions (and 11 Kernels) including all distributions in the R stats package. Each distribution has (where possible) closed form analytic expressions for basic statistical methods.

  • Decorators that add further functionality to probability distributions including numeric results for useful modelling functions such as p-norms and k-moments.

  • Wrappers for composite distributions including convolutions, truncation, mixture distributions and product distributions.

To learn more about distr6, start with the distr6 vignette:

vignette("distr6", "distr6")

And for more advanced usage see the complete tutorials at

https://alan-turing-institute.github.io/distr6/index.html #nolint

See Also

Useful links: