optionally the asymptotic (co)variance of the estimator
optionally the indices of the estimate belonging
to nuisance parameter
optionally (numeric) the fixed part of the parameter
an object of class MatrixorFunction -- a transformation
for the main parameter
optionally: a function to determine the corresponding
asymptotic variance; if given, asvar.fct takes arguments
L2Fam(the parametric model as object of class L2ParamFamily)
and param (the parameter value as object of class
ParamFamParameter); arguments are called by name; asvar.fct
may also process further arguments passed through the ... argument.
logical: if TRUE, the estimator is evaluated at complete.cases(x).
further arguments to estimator.
an optional object of class ParamFamily. Passed on
to asvar.fct to compute asymptotic variances.
logical: shall slot asVar be evaluated
(if asvar.fct is given) or
just the call be returned?