## "default" (normal location)
F1 <- ParamFamily(modifyParam = function(theta){ Norm(mean = theta) })
## Some examples:
## 1. Normal location family
theta <- 0
names(theta) <- "mean"
NL <- ParamFamily(name = "Normal location family",
param = ParamFamParameter(name = "location parameter", main = theta),
distribution = Norm(mean = 0, sd = 1), ## sd known!
startPar = function(x,...) c(min(x),max(x)),
distrSymm <- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = 0),
modifyParam = function(theta){ Norm(mean = theta, sd = 1) },
props = paste(c("The normal location family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(x) = x + mean'",
"with location parameter 'mean'"), collapse = " "))
## 2. Normal scale family
theta <- 1
names(theta) <- "sd"
NS <- ParamFamily(name = "Normal scale family",
param = ParamFamParameter(name = "scale parameter", main = theta,
.returnClsName = "ParamWithScaleFamParameter"),
distribution = Norm(mean = 0, sd = 1), ## mean known!
startPar = function(x,...) c(0,-min(x)+max(x)),
distrSymm <- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = 0),
modifyParam = function(theta){ Norm(mean = 0, sd = theta) },
props = paste(c("The normal scale family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(y) = sd*y'",
"with scale parameter 'sd'"), collapse = " "))
## 3. Normal location and scale family
theta <- c(0, 1)
names(theta) <- c("mean", "sd")
NLS <- ParamFamily(name = "Normal location and scale family",
param = ParamFamParameter(name = "location and scale parameter",
main = theta,
.returnClsName = "ParamWithScaleFamParameter"),
distribution = Norm(mean = 0, sd = 1),
startPar = function(x,...) c(median(x),mad(x)),
makeOKPar = function(param) {param[2]<-abs(param[2]); return(param)},
distrSymm <- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = 0),
modifyParam = function(theta){
Norm(mean = theta[1], sd = theta[2])
props = paste(c("The normal location and scale family is",
"invariant under the group of transformations",
"'g(x) = sd*x + mean' with location parameter",
"'mean' and scale parameter 'sd'"),
collapse = " "))
## 4. Binomial family
theta <- 0.3
names(theta) <- "prob"
B <- ParamFamily(name = "Binomial family",
param = ParamFamParameter(name = "probability of success",
main = theta),
startPar = function(x,...) c(0,1),
distribution = Binom(size = 15, prob = 0.3), ## size known!
modifyParam = function(theta){ Binom(size = 15, prob = theta) },
props = paste(c("The Binomial family is symmetric with respect",
"to prob = 0.5; i.e.,",
"d(Binom(size, prob))(k)=d(Binom(size,1-prob))(size-k)"),
collapse = " "))
## 5. Poisson family
theta <- 7
names(theta) <- "lambda"
P <- ParamFamily(name = "Poisson family",
param = ParamFamParameter(name = "positive mean", main = theta),
startPar = function(x,...) c(0,max(x)),
distribution = Pois(lambda = 7),
modifyParam = function(theta){ Pois(lambda = theta) })
## 6. Exponential scale family
theta <- 2
names(theta) <- "scale"
ES <- ParamFamily(name = "Exponential scale family",
param = ParamFamParameter(name = "scale parameter", main = theta,
.returnClsName = "ParamWithScaleFamParameter"),
startPar = function(x,...) c(0,max(x)-min(x)),
distribution = Exp(rate = 1/2),
modifyParam = function(theta){ Exp(rate = 1/theta) },
props = paste(c("The Exponential scale family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(y) = scale*y'",
"with scale parameter 'scale = 1/rate'"),
collapse = " " ))
## 7. Lognormal scale family
theta <- 2
names(theta) <- "scale"
LS <- ParamFamily(name = "Lognormal scale family",
param = ParamFamParameter(name = "scale parameter", main = theta,
.returnClsName = "ParamWithScaleFamParameter"),
startPar = function(x,...) c(0,max(x)-min(x)),
distribution = Lnorm(meanlog = log(2), sdlog = 2),## sdlog known!
modifyParam = function(theta){
Lnorm(meanlog = log(theta), sdlog = 2)
props = paste(c("The Lognormal scale family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(y) = scale*y'",
"with scale parameter 'scale = exp(meanlog)'"),
collapse = " "))
## 8. Gamma family
theta <- c(1, 2)
names(theta) <- c("scale", "shape")
G <- ParamFamily(name = "Gamma family",
param = ParamFamParameter(name = "scale and shape", main = theta,
withPosRestr = TRUE,
.returnClsName = "ParamWithScaleAndShapeFamParameter"),
startPar = function(x,...) {E <- mean(x); V <- var(X); c(V/E,E^2/V)},
makeOKPar = function(param) abs(param),
distribution = Gammad(scale = 1, shape = 2),
modifyParam = function(theta){
Gammad(scale = theta[1], shape = theta[2])
props = paste(c("The Gamma family is scale invariant via the",
"parametrization '(nu,shape)=(log(scale),shape)'"),
collapse = " "))
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