These functions are used internally by qqplot of package distrMod.
which.Order,order.traf, which.nonlbs)
a list with components
(the thinned out and ordered vector x
(the thinned out and ordered vector y
(the thinned out and ordered vector of labels lab.pts
(the thinned out and ordered vector of colors col.lbs
(the thinned out and ordered vector of magnification factors cex.lbs
(the (ordered according to y) indices of the observations selected for labelling),
(the (ordered) indices of the selected non-labelled observations).
a (numeric) vector
a (numeric) vector of same length as x
magnification factor for the plotted observation labels
color for the plotted observation labels
adjustment factor for the plotted observation labels
character or NULL
; observation labels to be used
integer or NULL
; which observations shall be labelled
integer or NULL
; which of the ordered (remaining) observations shall be labelled
function or NULL
; an optional trafo by which the observations are ordered (as order(trafo(obs)).
indices of the observations which should be plotted but
not labelled; either an integer vector with the indices of the observations
to be plotted into graph or NULL
--- then all non-labelled
observations are plotted.
Peter Ruckdeschel,
prepares the labels for later output:
first some indices among x
to which.lbs
are (optionally) selected,
then orders both x
and y
according to the
order of the remaining (optionally transformed by order.traf
) values of
(decreasing); finally only the order statistics (w.r.t. the preceding
ordering) as specified in which.Order
are returned;
correspondingly, labels, colors, and magnification factors, are ordered
respectively thinned out.
, qqplot
, qqplot
, qqplot