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distrMod (version 2.9.7)

validParameter-methods: Methods for function validParameter in Package `distrMod'


Methods for function validParameter in package distrMod to check whether a new parameter (e.g. "proposed" by an optimization) is valid.


validParameter(object, ...)
# S4 method for ParamFamily
validParameter(object, param)
# S4 method for L2ScaleUnion
validParameter(object, param, tol=.Machine$double.eps)
# S4 method for L2ScaleFamily
validParameter(object, param, tol=.Machine$double.eps)
# S4 method for L2LocationFamily
validParameter(object, param)
# S4 method for L2LocationScaleFamily
validParameter(object, param, tol=.Machine$double.eps)
# S4 method for BinomFamily
validParameter(object, param, tol=.Machine$double.eps)
# S4 method for PoisFamily
validParameter(object, param, tol=.Machine$double.eps)
# S4 method for L2ScaleShapeUnion
validParameter(object, param, tol=.Machine$double.eps)


logical of length 1 --- valid or not



an object of class ParamFamily


either a numeric vector or an object of class ParamFamParameter


accuracy upto which the conditions have to be fulfilled


additional argument(s) for methods.


method for signature


checks if all parameters are finite by is.finite if their length is between 1 and the joint length of main and nuisance parameter of object, and finally, if a call to modifyParam(object) with argument param would throw an error.


checks if the parameter is finite by is.finite, and if it is strictly larger than 0 (upto argument tol).


checks if the parameter length is 1, and otherwise uses L2ScaleUnion-method.


checks if the parameter is finite by is.finite, if its length is 1


checks if the parameter length is 1 or 2 (e.g. if one features as nuisance parameter), and also uses L2ScaleUnion-method.


checks if the parameter is finite by is.finite, if its length is 1, and if it is strictly larger than 0 and strictly smaller than 1 (upto argument tol)


checks if the parameter is finite by is.finite, if its length is 1, and if it is strictly larger than 0 (upto argument tol)


uses L2ScaleUnion-method, checks if parameter length is 1 or 2 (e.g. if one features as nuisance parameter), and if shape is strictly larger than 0 (upto argument tol)


Run this code
 NS <- NormLocationScaleFamily()
 validParameter(NS, c(scale=0.1, loc=2))
 validParameter(NS, c(scale=-0.1, loc=2))
 validParameter(NS, c(scale=0, loc=2))
 validParameter(NS, c(mean=2, sd=2))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab